Hinawa Ayame (MHA OC)

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Pronunciation: HE-NAH-WAH AYE-YAW-MAY

Name (last name, first name): Hinawa Ayame <meaning: fire iris (maybe idrk lol)>

Hero Name: Super Nova

Quirk: Purple Flames (see sunnyside_ren, thank you sm for the idea :D)

Explanation: The ability to set the entire body on fire as well as produce purple flames that can be used in small fires up to setting fire to an entire city. Flames may be very cold or very hot. User needs to wear nonflammable clothing, skin can be quickly burned with overuse of quirk. The explosions can be very powerful and cause harm to others as well as the user. Cramping and breakage of limbs can occur. Users can make small shapes produced with cold flames.

Space Fire is a special move listed on the page that explains this quirk. The idea is to store a bunch of heat and energy, the user is rendered immobile during this move. They begin to glow purplish blue and when they extend their limbs purple fire bursts from all around them. In my version, the user can fly and her hair bursts into purple flames as well and her eyes glow purple when using the quirk.

A drawback to my version of the quirk is the user has a very hard time in the summer months. The user can overheat very quickly in the summer and must be careful with the usage of hot flames. The user has built-in cooling systems in her hero suit. Strong emotions can set off her quirk.

The manifestation of the quirk came when she was just four years old. A villain killed her father and she witnessed the death. Space Fire has only been used a few times in her life and when her quirk manifested it was the first time the flames had ever appeared. Her mother has a color manipulation quirk and can change the color of things at her will. Her father had a flame quirk, not quite the same as hers but he could shoot flames from his palms. After marrying her mother, he mostly only used his quirk to light candles and bonfires where the family would roast marshmallows and enjoy the company of the rest of their friends and family. Her parents were really worried about her being quirkless due to her birthday being a week from the manifestation date of the quirk.

She attended Musatafu Private School for middle school and applied to the hero training program with her friend Kirishima. Where she became a friend of the well-known group the Bakusquad.

She is the same age as the others with her birthday on May 2nd, which is considered National Fire Day in the US.

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