↪︎ r. kunigami - i'll be missing you

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anime oneshots
by nicxl333

anime oneshotsby nicxl333

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from the first date you had with

Kunigami, there was an established mutual understanding between the two of you. so long as you both agreed to enter a relationship he would always put in the effort to make time with you. however, there would be points where he wouldn't be able to be there, and you would be alone.

that was 2 years ago.

many of those points occurred.

you knew he was a famous soccer player and it was always bound to occasionally happen. but this time 5 weeks have passed without you seeing your boyfriend.

5 weeks without being in his presence, and his in yours.

it was evidently kicking you in the ass. you missed him dearly, not being able to hold him as you slept, not being able to see his smiling face full of adoration for you. not being able to feel all his love pouring into you as he pleasured you to heaven and back.

you couldn't begin to count the nights you went to sleep in your shared penthouse, tears trailing down your face as you desperately clutched his pillow, breathing in his slowly fading scent.

sure the daily texts and video calls were somewhat soothing, being a constant reminder that Kunigami hadn't forgotten about you and was missing you just as much.

but it weren't enough to ease the ache in your heart from deprivation.

you were reminded of the call that had occurred between the two of you hours earlier.

"rensuke, when are you coming home? i miss you so much."

"i'd have to get back to you on that y/n, as much as you know how much i want to be home too, coach isn't letting up on us and i need to practice more. especially since we lost our last match. we...no- i can't afford for that to happen again."

a constant topic of discussion. a constant reminder that should it ever come to it, the harsh reality remains that he'd no doubt choose soccer over you.

as much as you supported his career, you wish he'd just make a little more time than he said he would for you. you had needs after all just as much as he had.

you lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling before letting out a sigh and turning over to Kunigami's side, drifting away and hoping you'd see him in your dreams.

3 hours later

Kunigami's keys jangled in the door of his home, slowly pushing the door open to minimise any sound given that you were no doubt sleeping, due to it being 3am.

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