Chapter 2: The Kingsroad

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On another road was Daenerys Targaryen, riding with her husband in tribute to something new.
"You need to drink, child" Jorah said to Daenerys, worried probably, she sighs. "And eat." she gives him something disgusting.
"Isn't there anything else?" She asks.
"The dothraki have 2 things in abundance, grass and horses." he replies to her, while she was trying that thing. "People can't live on grass" he continues talking " In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night.It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything, that's the way the world will end." he says while looking at her, and then she looks at him too, but looks at Khal Drogo for an instant. "It'll get easier"

In Winterfell

In the dog's home was Tyrion Lannister, sleeping, while Jeffrey and The Haunt was waiting for him to wake up,as he wakes up, he realizes where he is.
"Better- Looking bitches than you're used to, uncle" Joffrey says trying to make him the joke. "My mother's been looking for you, we ride to King's Landing today."
"Before you go, you will call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies." Tyrion says to him, while getting out of the dog's home.
"What good will my sympathies do them?" he asks, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and Tyrion knows that.
"None. But it is expected of you. Your absence has already been noted" but he doesn't care at all.
"The boy means nothing to me." he says confused."And I can't stand the wailing of women" Tyrion slaps him on the face.
"One word and I'll hit you again" Tyrion was not kidding but Joffrey well I mean he can't keep his mouth shut you know?
"I'm telling mother!" Tyrion slaps him again.
"Go! Tell her, but first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark and you will fall on your knees in front of them, and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service,and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?" When I first met Tyrion, I thought he was a drunk who just wants fun, but he can be more than that.
"You can't.." he didn't finish his words, he was getting slapped again.
"Do you understand?" Tyrion says one more time, and this time I think Joffrey listened to him, he walks away.
"The prince will remember that, Little Lord." The haunt says to Tyrion, but he doesn't care at all.
"I hope so. If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him" he walks away to get breakfast. But before he waves at me and I waved back, trying to smile after Bran's accident, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I know it wasn't my fault but what if I was with him?
Now I'm sitting on a chair , waiting for Bran to wake up, while Lady Stark was doing something.
"He's going to wake up, I know it." I say with a lot of hope, Lady Stark nods.
"I hope so dear." The queen enters the room, Lady Stark and I get up to now down but she refuses that.
"Please" says Cersei.
"Oh, I would have dressed, Your Grace" Lady Stark says while looking at her own clothes.
"This is your home, I'm your guest" Cersei comes a little close to the bed. "Handsome one, isn't he? I lost my first boy, a little black haired beauty. He was a fighter too, tried to beat the fever that took him. Forgive me." she says while looking sad."Is the last thing you two want to hear right now."
"I never knew." she's probably confused, I was too.
"It was years ago." Cersei tells her, the complete history. After all that she walks away, and Lady Stark helds his son's hand while I watch. I went to Arya's room while she was preparing her bags for King's Landing.
"You're gonna send me letter's right? I want to hear all about King's Landing!" I ask, trying to forget about my best friend for a while, looking happy perhaps.
"Well it's not gonna be the same without you yk?You should come with us, Daenys." she says while looking at me, hopefully I would say yes.
"I can't. What if Bran wakes up and realizes everyone is not here?I will visit tho, don't worry." By the look on her face she was worried about me.
"Fine then" someone knocks on the door, I open it to see Jon Snow.
"Septa Mordane says I have to do it again" she complains to Jon while I simply watch smiling."My things weren't properly folded, she says." he looks at me laughing a little, I laugh too. "Who cares how they're folded?? They're going to get all messed up anyway."
"It's good that you've got help" he looks at me and Nymeria.
"Watch. Nymeria, Gloves." she looks at the wolf , while Nymeria was just standing there like "bitch who tf you think you are??"
"Impressive" John and I say at the same time.
"Shut up you two" she tries again, but Nymeria doesn't understand.
"I have something for you two" Jon was something for me? "And it has to be packed very carefully." God, this makes me excited to see what it is.
"A present?" Arya asks, while smiling.
"Close the door" he asks for us, and then we go close the door as he puts our presents in the bed. For Arya it was a sword, and for me was a knife.
"This no toy, remember that ladies" he gets the knife out and gives it to me as gives Arya her sword. "Be careful you don't cut yourself"
"It's so skinny" she says, while I look at my knife.
"So are you. Daenys you're a Greyjoy, but you are family anyways, always use that knife to protect those that you cared for and loved, and don't tell your brother I got you a knife please, he would kill me." he laughs, she knows what he meant by the people she cares and loves, Bran.
"I will, don't worry." she laughs.
"But girls, you have to practice every day. I'm going to miss you two." We were trying to hug him but he said first "Careful " Oh yeah, the knife and the sword, so we put them on the bed and hugged him.
"Swords and knives have names, you know?" he says, waiting for our response.
"Sansa can keep her needles, I've got one now.".
"Well, mine is going to be called The Breaker"

Time pass

I was with Bran, but now sleeping, then I wake up to the sound of voices, a male and female, Robb and Lady Stark. Robb says that there's a fire and he walks away, running. Lady Stark gets up off her chair and goes looking out the window, and someone was behind her, I felt scared as the voice says.
"You're not supposed to be here." Looking at Lady Stark and me. "No one is supposed to be here.Its a mercy, he's dead already." he pushes out a knife, and Lady Stark tries to push him back but she gets a cut on her hand, while trying to fight him. I got up and pushed my knife out.
"Remember what Jon said" I whisper so only I can hear. Lady Stark was on the ground, and I heard a wolf coming, so I sneak behind him and stab him in the back, and that's when Summer bites him, killing him. Summer gets on the bed, sitting beside Bran protectively. My hands were covered in this man's blood, but nothing mattered, only Bran staying alive. I only cared about that.

The next morning

I was following Lady Stark while she was going to see the tower for herself.
We're in the tower as she looks out of the window.
"Lady Stark. I found these in here" I said while holding a piece of hair, blonde and long." she smiles at me, while coming my way and I give her the blonde piece of hair I found.
"We must tell someone, people I can rely on, Daenys come with me and call Robb and Theon" I nod, while going to get them.
As we're everyone in a circle, Lady Stark says.
"What I'm about to tell you must remain between us." I nod. "I don't think Bran fell from that tower.I think he was thrown." she said and I know how smart Bran was, he wouldn't just fall.
"The boy was always surefooted before" The Maester says to the knight, Lady Stark continues talking
"Someone tried to kill him twice.Why? Why murder an innocent child?Unless he saw something he wasn't meant to see." my brother seems confused so he asks.
"Saw what, my lady?" she responds then.
"I don't know. But I would stake my life, the Lannisters are involved. We already have a reason to suspect their loyalty to the crown"
"Did you notice the dagger the killer used? It's too fine a weapon for such a man.The blade is Valyrian steel,the handle dragonbone.Someone gave it to him." the knight says, I mean he is not wrong, but who would do that?
"They come into our home and try to murder my brother? If it's war they want.." My brother is very loyal to Robb, I know what he would say next.
"If it comes to that, you know I'll stand behind you"
"Brother please calm down, and Robb were not doing a war until we find more proof. Is that fine with you?" I say calmly while looking into my brothers and friend's eyes, they look down at their feets.
"I agree with Daenys, We don't know the truth yet, Lord Stark must be told of this."
"I don't trust a raven to carry these words" Lady Stark says while looking at the Maester.
"I'll ride to King's Landing" Robb wants to, but his mother says.
"No. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I will go myself"
"Mother, you can't" Robb is what your mother wants so let her.
"I must." she remains.
"I'll send Hal with a squad of guardsmen to escort you."
"Too large a party attracts unwanted attention.I don't want the Lannisters to know that I'm coming." Lady Stark is really smart.
"Let me accompany you at least. The Kingsroad can be a dangerous place for a woman alone" she wanted to refuse but she nodded.
"What about Bran?" her son asks, completely worried about his brother.
"I have prayed to the seven for more than a month. Bran's life is in their hands now. I'm sure Daenys will look after him, yes dear?" She asks me, I nod.
"Yes, Lady Stark."
"Then it's settled." She goes as I follow her, to Bran's room, she takes his hair off and kisses him on the forehead and does the same with me.
"I know Bran it's in good hands, Summer will be here too." I nod, and she leaves.
At night, Summer and I were sleeping, but then…Summer looked at him before and called me.
"What is it, Summer?" I get up, pat Summer on the head and look at Bran awake.."BRAN YOUR AWAKE!" she yells as she hugs him.


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