A small simper covered your features, "We're going to look for nagas."

An unimpressed look covered his face, grabbing up the thick stack and skimming the pages. He hummed softly, placing it back down. "[Name], this is stupid."

"What? How!?" You gasped out, hands flying up in disbelief. Despite being your cameraman for three years, Thomas still had his doubts about most creatures you guys sought after. He would produce many excuses such as the danger, the little equipment you both had, or something as simple as him not wanting to do it.

"There's not even a guarantee there's nagas in our state. And you want to spend the whole day walking around a forest where they may be?" He shook his head, clutching his chin a bit. "I can just imagine the camera running out of battery or us running out of water."

You took a deep breath, grabbing up the paper stack to then flip over to the last couple of pages. "I already had that in mind. Extra portable chargers, extra water and, handheld fans. I thought this plan was significantly better then my previous ones."

"Trust me, it is." Thomas grumbled, ignoring your offended expression. The man closed his eyes in thought, finally allowing his tense shoulders to relax. "Fine. But the moment things look wrong, we're ditching this whole thing."

You could nearly squeal, locking your arms around him. "Thank you, thank you! I promise it'll be worth it."

The next morning was a rushed blur, you hurriedly showering, changing, and assuring all your essential items were in your backpack. Thomas came around twelve to pick you up in his van, you basically bundling with excitement in your seat.

Two hours passed before he parked infront of a forest, the two of you exiting the vehicle while grabbing your equipment. With nothing else holding you back, you entered the forest. Stepping over leaves and tree branches, eyes casing the area before lowering to the map within your hands.

"Make sure you have your camera ready, Thomas. Anything could happen."

"Sure, sure." He mumbled offhandly, hoisting the item onto his shoulder as he followed close behind you.

Several hours passed as you two continued your journey, reacting to each little sound the forest produced. You felt your cameraman's attitude rising with each step you took. With each path that was rendered useless. And you hated to admit, your own was rising as well. Frustration plagued you, realizing maybe Thomas was right.

Maybe searching for something as rare as a naga was a waste of time.

It was now six in the afternoon, the sun slowly falling as you and your partner sat on some logs— downing some water and enjoying sandwiches. He was silent, a telltale sign of his aggravation. You couldn't blame him.

Sighing to yourself, you finished your meal, wiping your hands onto your cargo shorts. Standing from the log, you pulled your braids out of its tight bun, gently scratching your scalp. "We can pack up in a bit. I just wanna do one last look around."

Thomas only glanced at you before his attention turned back to his sandwich. You took his silence as an okay.

Grabbing up your phone and water bottle, you stepped away from your little site to head down a path you hadn't earlier, a little drop of hope still remaining in you. Maybe, even if you didn't find a naga, you could find something else of value? Sure your fans would be pissed at the failed promise, but still— you needed revenue to replace everything you used today.

STRAWBERRY DAZE.            teratophilia oneshots. Where stories live. Discover now