☆ he's got a little something. say, Mr. Radio Man ^_− ☆

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Jesse blushed and turned around to see mister white looking gay back at him. Then, right there, in the corner of their indoors food truck, they shared a smooch. "Jesse... your gay jesse"

Jesse walked home from school alone and and blushing thinking about the way me white kissed him. Was he really gay? Jesse Pinkman? King of the cricket field? Famously? Huh? Jesse pinkman? Cricket? Huh? Cricket? Jesse pinkman? What? Cricket? Cricket? Jesse pinkman? Which one is it? Cricket? Huh? Cricket? Jesse penkman? Cricket? What?

When he got home, he decided to write in his blue diary about how he feels so he flopped onto his bed and grabbed a black pen.
"Dear diary i HATE school but me and this guy i think is name is "Mr White" we share lots of classes and i think i like him"
That was an old entry heres a new one
"Hey guys welcome back. I'm jesse pinkman and like always you are my diary. I kissed Mr White today. You know, The guy with the shoes? Yeah, that guy. Ah, I cant faintly remember his face now....."

he blushed as he fell asleep, excited for the time he would see his s/o againt (so otp (*^◯^*))

When jesse returned to school, he felt eyes all 3 ,60 of his head. aroud 1,000,000,000,000,000, students all looking at him weird. W-whats going on? He then saw mr white on a bench with several people comforting him. The poeple told jesse to leave they said "Jesse leave we dont want you here" What?" he said. White weeped and said "jesse.... youre with mike? So you and him are a thing now" Jesse whipped a tear from Walter face and said "ITS JUST A RUMOR AHHHHH ITS NOT TRUE AHHHH HAHHHHHH AHHHHH " and then jesse grabbed his own head and started flailing uncontrollably horizontally with his mouth and eyes wide open. This went on for 30 seconds while walter sobbed with increasingly loud volume. until jesse snapped out of it and kissed his bf on the lips. "mr white you know its but a rumor why would i cheat on you" and then they kissed and everyone else in the shcool said "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwe" in unison but it was also a verrrrry long ewwwwwwwwww because it lasted the length of the kiss.
Them they walked to first math period together. Hand in hand together intertwin.

"hello class today we have a new student his name is gus fringe and you can say something about yourself gus okay my name is gus frin i love eating pizza and burgers and in certain circumstances fried chicken i also own a fast food chain called gus fring chicken alright good to know gus now sit down in a chair okay"
Jesse felt so jealous ocer gus becusse he was really cute so not only did he have attractive to him he also was scared mr white would like gus more than hom so je knew hr was bad news

"Hey GUS WAIT up" says jesse chasing after gus in the halls. "no running IN THE HALLS pinkman" says mike ermantrout his the prinicple but also just sits outside classes thats what he does yep heh

Gus and jesse are face to face before jesse says "Try out some of our burgers fring. I bet youll reaasallly like them."

Gus feels challenged with another famouse cook at his presents. "jesse i will try your burger."

Later when jesse is in the foot court serving burgers during lunch before Gus comes over and eats some burgers. And jesse and walt serve him some, trying to ignore the rumors from earlier. Gus says "nice heisenburgers tough guy." and walks off

It scares jesse and walter because they dont gknow what that means.
Then jesse touches walter back and says "I love serving burgers with you walter."

later that day

Jesse see's gus at the store and starts walking the other way because he hates him. Then gus comes over chasing after him " Im chasing after you like you chased after me" he said. Gus went over to him and they stood face to face angry . " J-just leave me alone fring" "No jesse. Iwanted to say your makeup looks good today. " "Jesse was confused and said: "W-well thanks...." said jesse, confused at why he actually hated him before remembinegn . "No! You wont win me over THAT easy, Fringe!" And then spat on him and exited the store.

Next day. Class was soooo boring. Him and walt were just waiting for Heisenburgers and fries and drink and shake to open again during lunch. When it happened jesse and walt excitedly walked there together. They served burgers, sandwiches. They raising so much money for his treatment remember.

But then they spotted it. Gus walking over to a truck called..... Gus fring chicken and..... HEISENBURGERS??? Not only was gus fring chicken not here yesterday, but now he's serving... HERISNINBURGERS?!?!?

⚣ ☆ heisenburgers and fries and drink and shake in high school ☆ ⚣Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat