Evil (Ch.2)

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"Makima? Evil? No, she's not. Makima's like super nice." Denji said clearly trying to convince himself. Power frowned.

"Makima was plotting to kill me was she not? Does this not sound evil to you Denji?" Power looked at Denji trying to get an answer out of him. 

"uhh, she said she wanted to... But I'm sure it was just a joke! it had to be! Makima would never do anything like that!" Denji said frantically, he sounded hurt.  "wait... how did you know that?"

"Tis not important! the point is Makima was evil! but you were saved from her evilness by the great Power!" Power tried to sound confident but some fear was also hinted in her voice

"Makima... why though... why would she try to kill you, this is all so confusing," Denji said

"I do not know why she would want to kill me, but she wanted to and then she would probably have tried to kill you as well!" Power said. 

"Wait, why would she try to kill me? what did I do?" Denji said hurt and confused.

"I am simply relaying what that old alcoholic told me!" Power said.

"Wait! Kishibe said that!? I need to talk to him!" Denji said standing up. He began to run towards the apartment complex where Makima was, and where Kishibe would be. But before he could even make it a foot away Power grabbed his arm forcefully. 

"You will not! You will return home with me!" Power said in a demanding tone. 

"Huh!? Why!? I need to know what's going on!" Denji said yanking his arm back. 

"The old man said he would tell you all later, he told me to take you far away from this place once he starts his plan." Power said while regripping to Denji's arm. 

"I don't wanna know later! I wanna know now!" Denji objected trying to yank his arm free again. 

"Please, just listen to me... please Denji" Power was sounding more emotional, Denji didn't understand why he should have to wait he didn't think it was fair but he felt bad for Power too.

"Fine, We'll go back home and wait for Kishibe," Denji said finally caving to Power. He took his arm back from Power and began walking home, Power walked beside him. 

"Denji! What shall we do while we are waiting for the old man?" Power sounded excited. 

"Huh? I don't know what you wanna do?" Denji asked 

"No clue. I just wanna go home" 

As they made their way back to the apartment Denji bought for them with Aki's will Denji started to speak up again.

"So... why did Kishibe shoot me again?" 

"Something about how if he only shot Makima you would turn into chainsaw man." Power replied yawning

"Oh... I guess he would be right. I probably would try to help Makima" Denji said looking at the ground

Power simply scoffed before continuing to walk. Shortly after they arrived at the front door to the apartment. Power walked in a threw herself onto the couch. 

"You didn't lock the door!?" Denji barked at her. 

"Your concerns are not needed human, look around everything is as it was," Power said back in a calm tone. 

"That's not the point! The point is what if someone broke in!" Denji shouted back

"There is no what if! No one broke in!" Power sat up looking at Denji angry and confused. 

"Ugh. I guess it doesn't matter. Just do better next time!" Denji moved to the kitchen, after some fumbling he came back around with a bag of chips and went to his room. Power looked at him before following him. They sat down on the bed and shared some chips before shutting the lights off and going to sleep. Denji woke up with an armed wrapped around him, and a mop of strawberry-blonde hair in his face. He sat up and tried to pry Power's arm off him to no avail. 

"Power," He nudged her slightly "Hey, Power!" He shook her this time. It wasn't long before the girl tossed over still asleep. Denji climbed out of his bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, take a bath, and do his business. When he came out of the bathroom the apartment was quiet. Meowy was curled up on the couch, he guessed Power was still asleep in his bed. He made his way to the kitchen and started to make breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Denji quietly approached the door and looked through the peephole. When he saw Kishibe he opened the door. 

"Finally come to tell me what happened with Makima?" Denji said annoyed 

Kishibe pulled out a flask and took a swig before speaking

"Kid, Makima is dead she's been cast into hell." 

"Huh!? Why!?" He reached for his ripcord before Kishibe spoke again

"She was a devil Denji, The control devil, She wanted to start a war Denji, a big war and she needed you dead to start it" 

"What?" Denji looked shocked

"That chainsaw devil, I talked with a friend, and they said that Makima was planning to force you to break your contract with Pochita. To do that she needed to kill and destroy your new life. Do you understand what I'm saying? Denji, she killed Aki." Kishibe looked at him with what seemed like empathy. 

Denji went glossy eye, confused, angry, sad, heartbroken. All these emotions were too hard for him to contain and he simply sat down on the floor and buried his face in his knees. 

"Why? Why did she want to?" He said with a dead tone. Kishibe responded quickly 

"No clue kid. But I got good news if you would call it that. You and Power are going to school." 

Denji looked up. "What do you mean? Why?" 

"You said you wanted a normal life and to go to school. I enrolled you and Power in school. You start in a week" Kishibe said before walking out leaving Denji confused, surprised, angry, sad, and slightly happy. He decided to cry. 

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