Chapter 0 → Jun Ishioka

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In the small Elementary, a few of the classes were released to go out to the partially fenced in playground, kids happily going over to their friends or a small group of people who wanted others to play with them. There was quite a lot of noises since it was at least 4 classes of 5th graders, going out and having the ability to be louder outside than when they were in class a few moments ago. 

A lot of the students were using their quirks and playing around with it, showing off something that they learned they could do, or just showing off the quirk in general. Although, a small girl scooted herself away from all of the other students and teachers, situating herself near a small path so she could sit down and be alone. She huffed lightly to herself as she looked around for a rock to draw in the dirt like path. 

"Ishioka! wannabe hero girl!!" A few boys ran over to Jun, the girl crouched down at the dirt,, and she was not paying any attention to the boys. "are you listening to me!?" one of the boys huffed angrily and pulled at Jun's hair, tugging at it until she had fallen over onto her back. She whined loudly from hitting the back of her head against the rocks that were nearby. Looking up though, the kids looking down at her were all looking at her the same way,, with anger and malice intents. The boys laughed at her and pointed, watching her try and get herself up off the ground, sniffling from the pain that was forming in the back of her head and knee's, aching at most of her joints. 

"whaaaat, is wannabe crying awwww" one of them laughed and snickered at her as Jun had gotten herself up off the ground. She didn't speak to them at all, almost like she was pretending to forget that they existed, but that ended in her hair being grabbed at "hey! what? are you going deaf from being so quirkless!?" The boy laughed even louder with the rest of his group, at points yanking harder on Jun's hair and whipping her around. Jun rubbed her face from some of the tears on her cheek, and then swung her hand towards his face to get him away. The boy let go of her hair and threw her back on the ground. angry that he was even touched by her, the thought revolted him "get your FILTHY hands off of me unless you want me to HURT you". 

Jun looked up at him once more, same position as she was only minutes ago "leave me alone." the girl mumbled to herself as she huffed out a low growl at the end. The group of boys looked at each other in silence for a few seconds and tried to find something that they could all collectively do, deciding to just use their quirks on her. The main boys quirk was, to say the least, interesting, as he was able to make blades come out of any spot on his body. 

The other kids in his group weren't that spectacular, but they could pack a punch when put together. 

"so? what's it gonna be, a punishment or you apologize for punching me" Jun only sniffled as she played with the hem of her shirt, she didn't want to answer the question, because she didn't want either to happen. 

"come on! just give it to her!!" some of the others were shouting out at the boy "if ya all say so". The boy happy smirked as a small blade came out through his fingertip, raising his hand towards her quickly, slashing towards her cheek. Jun whimpered loudly and raised her arms over her face and head, a small crash noise coming from above her. 

Before any thought could come to Jun's mind, she fell dizzy, and fell over onto the ground. 


With a small yawn, Jun slowly rose up from a bed in the nurses office, getting the attention of the nurse that was there "good afternoon honey" the nurse smiled to her. Looking around, Jun spotted the boy who was bullying her on a bed across from her, awake but paying no attention to her at all. "miss. . what happened?" Jun tilts her head to the nurse as she gives the same confused expression back to her "what do you mean? you were part of the event weren't you?"

There was a sudden silence between the two of them, even the AC seemed to calm down and leave the room with an eerie void. "well, you and that young man over there were fighting and you used your quirk on him, I do not know the whole confrontation between the two of you, but what I have been told, it was you who ended it". Jun tilts her head to the side even more from that, she was so bewildered from everything the nurse just said "miss,, I don't have a quirk". 

The boy across Jun looked over at her and scoffed "course ya don't" he rolled over and faced away from her after that. Jun seemed so confused, messing with her hair that was partially knotted from being pulled on some much. "you're mother said she will be here shortly to pick you up so why don't you wait in the waiting room for me" the nurse quickly helped Jun up off the bed and onto her feet, letting her go alone to the front offices waiting room. 

She waited, lightly kicking her feet back and forth as she sat there on the chair, humming a bit as she thinks to herself. Was that nurse lying to me? I couldn't have possibly used a quirk if I don't have one?? Jun's thoughts caught up to her when her mother gently tapped her on the shoulder, signaling that it was time to get going. 

Jun was taken to the care in silence, driven home in complete and utter silence, everything was silent from the moment her mother had gotten there,, even the subtle expression on her face was enough to show she wasn't the happiest with Jun at the moment. 

Once they were home, Jun's mother let out a heavy sigh and left the car in an instant, letting Jun get herself out before unlocking the house door. "Jun dear, why did you hurt the poor boy?" her mother spoke gently, but there was a small bit of annoyance in it. "I didn't mean to. . he was going to hurt me. ." Jun looked down at her feet and walked herself to the living room with her mother. "the nurse, and a couple a teachers, all said that you hurt that boy, but nothing happened to you! and they said you used a quirk?? you didn't tell me you had a quirk!!" 

Jun whined lightly up at her mother, watching her face turn from a soft disappointment to anger and confusion "mom I. . do even I have a quirk?" 


Left it on just a small cliffhanger, although, this is just some background to Jun so I didn't want it to be too long anyways <3 

Word Count ⇢ 1218 words
Uploaded ⇢ 09/04/23
Last Edited ⇢ 09/04/23

Heart of pure Crystal → BNHA OC StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora