[Deidara x Reader] Ice Cream One-Shot

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The Akatsuki were taking a vacation at the beach, and so that means, swimming, eating barbeque or snacks, volleyball, sun tanning and sand castles!

"Waii~[name]-chan! Let's build a sand castle!" A young man with an orange lollipop mask in black trunks and a hyper voice called out to a calm [hair color] haired girl in a [color] swimsuit.

Glancing at her senpai, [name] smiled softly and called back, "I'm going to get some ice cream, so I won't build a sand castle yet! Maybe later!"

She could see the disappointment in Tobi's actions, but he brightened again when he decided to jump in the ocean. Oh boy....

Getting ice cream for herself to have after feeling famished and thirsty, she gets her favorite [flavor] ice cream and walks while licking away at it. [name] almost walked into another person, but luckily, she didn't.



Looking up, [name] saw Deidara who looked at her, kind of glad to see her.

"Getting ice cream? Un." He asked.

"Yeah. You getting food, too?" [name] replied.

"Un. A special kind... " Deidara smirked as he said this. Something's kind of fishy... Not Kisame, fishy!

So [name] walked back with Deidara as she continued to lick her ice cream carefully. Unbeknowist to her, Deidara was secretly glancing at her licking the sweet dessert and... thinking... the first thing that... popped into his head.... OK HE WAS THINKING THAT!!

But he felt so jealous of that ice cream that he wanted to blow it up, SO BAD!

When he found a piece of ice cream on [name's] face, he slyly leaned down and licked it off her face. [name] flushed bright red and pulled away, stuttering.


"Un. You just got a bit of ice cream on your cute face."

[name] blushed deeper and mumbled a thank you.

Then when she got caught off guard, Deidara went for the lips and kissed her softly, but quickly. After pulling away in lightning speed, Deidara smirked playfully as he watched in amusement to seeing [name's] face go even redder each second. She was too cute for comfort.

"There was some ice cream on your lips, too. Un."

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