chapter 1: Me

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"So....Ms.Wilson, please tell me your information." The therapist said. I started to say, CREEP! I'm not telling you PRIVATE information. But....its for therapy. "Well,I'm 13, I suffer from depression, my parents got divorced when I was 3, I moved away from all my friends,and I'm bi so I get bullied. I started to tear up thinking about the hatefull comments.The ONLY thing that makes me Troyler. My OTP!!!!! When people found out I was bi, they shunned me. "I see..." Said the therapist. Weirdo.:-P so I texted m BFF,Ariana, when he went to the bathroom. Hey gurl,sup? Miss ya muches ^-^ she texted back lol miss ya 2. See u soon!!!!! Cant wait for ur bday! I started to giggle. She was a TRUE friend. I miss her,and its all moms fault....So,my mom started drinking when I was one, after a guy at a bar set her up. Then dad, being the overprotective dad he is, started to fight with her. He slapped her multiple times. She almost died. I live with my dad now. I'm sad I live with him. I hate him. I just want to Leave this world. I guess mom thought the same. 2 weeks later at 9:45 mother commuted suicide. My father took me in. But I wish I lived with mom. So I can date earlier than 18.....yea..ikr!?!? REDONCULUSH! :'( Anyways...then the therapist finally came back. He stunk like crap. so then we talked about therapy-ey stuff....... Boring.

Rebbecca Rene Wilsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें