chapter 3: wedding saved

Depuis le début

Nina spotted Rachel on the beach. She takes off her heels and walks towards her. She sits down next to her. She takes Rachel's arm and lays her head on her shoulder.

"My wedding is ruined. It just means I'm not meant to marry the love of my life." Rachel sobs.

"Oh, my dear Rach. This isn't destiny's fault. I just found out that I was pregnant and lost it. However, one thing is for certain that you and Bradley Hinton belong together. I kind of knew something like this would happen. So, I made other arrangements. Come, let's get you married again." Nina said standing up.

She held out her hand and Rachel took it. They heard laughter from their sister-in-laws.

"Come on girls, let's party!" Charlotte and Tessa shouted.

Rachel wiped her tears away as she linked her arm with Nina's.


Brad and Hugo picked close family as they waited for their women. Brad was still smiling at Hugo. That kiss Hugo shared with Nina, was fire.

"So, you and Nina?" Brad asked.

"Yep, you were right. She's different. Scared the shit out of me when she stepped in the middle of Elijah and Carla." Hugo confessed.

Brad giggled.

"Yeah, she's ballsy for sure. That's our Nina. Sucks she can't have children though. Taken away by a coward!" Brad was still angry over that.

"That doesn't worry me. She's perfect with or without kids. I'll happily share mine with her." Hugo smiled as he saw her.

Baby, you're all mine now! He thought.

Brad watches as Rachel is surrounded by laughing women. This was his family. When the wedding finally takes place. Rachel and Brad are finally hitched. This was Rachel's dream wedding. Nina clapped on as the two of them kissed.

"Thank you." Brad mouthed the words.

Nina nodded.

The night was still young. Everyone laughed and then went quiet. Carla was walking with Angelina. Rachel eyed Nina.

Not again! Rachel thought.

Carla walked up to Nina with her head down in shame. Nina shocked everyone when she hugged her. Carla sobs as she hugged her back. Nina pulls back.

"No crying, take a few breaths." Nina instructed.

Carla breathes in and out.

"Good. Hank, we need another chair bro." Nina shouted.

"You got it." He yelled back.

Rachel was smiling as they sat around the table. Hugo had his arm around Nina as he spoke with Brad, until someone yelled out.

"Nina, Speech, speech."

"Okay, okay. Geez!" Nina stood up.

The crew members handed out glasses of wine. Brad had moved to his wife's side.

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