01. bring unto me persistence

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01. enter: eddie "the freak" munson

"EASY, boy, easy."

You took a step back.

It took a step forward.

"How about we talk about this, hm?" It kept going. "Maybe you want a treat, yeah? Do you want a treat?"

A growl and yet another step towards you.

It would pounce any moment now, you were sure of it. It was already baring its teeth at you, no doubt looking to sink them into your flesh and make you its next meal.

The thought was enough to cause you to jerk in your spot and shudder.

Unfortunately for you, that jerk was also enough for the beast to pounce and—before you even knew it; could even blink and register what was happening—a sharp pang shot through your arm.

You hissed.

It got you.

Dozens of its teeth were latched onto your skin, digging in enough to draw blood and create a stream of crimson that ran down your arm, coating the limb in a sticky, warm substance that blew your eyes wide upon sight.


Molten lava rushed straight to your brain and set your nerves ablaze, panic settling in much faster than sensibility could. All you could think about was getting this goddamn thing off of you.

You thrashed your arm about, swinging it around like a maniac as the beast stubbornly clung on. Each second it stayed on, was another second your nerves heightened and your heart convulsed.

It was becoming too much. You had to get. it. off.

Before you even knew it, your other fist launched into its side—an action that was more instinct than anything; the need to survive pumping you with higher levels of adrenaline than you were used to, but boy were you glad it did, because—to your utter surprise—the beast's body flung through the air and landed across the yard within seconds.

Your arm was free.

You wasted no time—one foot propelling the other: and you were gone, rushing to the open shed as the wind became your enemy, turning into sharp, cutting blades against your skin; desperate to hinder you in your quest to get to safety.

With the harsh pounding of your own heart against your ears, you almost couldn't hear the steps that followed after your own. But they were there. And they were right on you.

"Stupid dog! Ugh!"

The shed was right there. Just a few feet away. You could make it. You would make it.

There was no way you were making it into the Stranger Things world and dying before meeting any more of your favourite characters.

"Not today, fucker!"

With a sudden burst of confidence, your speed amplified and your foot launched forward in a bigger leap than you had ever performed in your life. The snapping of a jaw entered your eardrums not long after and sent another shudder down your spine. You just narrowly avoided a missing leg, no doubt. If you didn't hurry up, a missing limb would be the least of your worries.

Luckily for you, the shed was now only mere centimetres away.

Your fingers stretched out, winding around the door as you pushed through, slamming it shut as soon as all your limbs were on the other side, and throwing your body up against it with all you had.

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