Pilot Chapter when time became irrelevant

Start from the beginning

I don't quite understand this new power I hold, if only...

If only I had never started taking those meds.

Y/n's pov:

I ran upstairs. Father had come home in a taxi which meant one thing,

"DAMN BITCH" he had been drinking. That bastard...

I opened the room to my door and ran towards my closet but before I could open it I heard something. The sound of wind whirling behind me. I turned around and saw a stranger who seemed awfully familiar. "Kid! You've unlocked your quirk right?" The stranger asked, he seemed panicked and scared even. "Listen! I know whats gonna happen! You fathers gonna come up here drunk!" A second after he said that my father started marching upstairs and the stranger began talking in a whisper. "Do not tell him! It wont make your father proud! It won't stop him from hurting you!" And just like that the strangers eyes widened as he was seemingly pulled into nothing and thus, he disappeared.

My father hurt me like the stranger had said

And I didn't tell father about my quirk

Or try to stop him with it

Just like I had told myself to do.

Years passed since then, ten to be specific.

I stood in front of fathers grave, it sat on a hill overlooking the city with a nice view of the beach and the cold sea. Stood in front isn't the right term, I stood ON his grave and would have pissed on it too but it felt too petty. I mean I had already killed him no point in pissing on the dirt covering him, probably wouldn't even reach his coffin. I stared at the sunset, wasn't the first sunset I saw not by a long shot. I was able to see plenty by going back in time, stopping time, going further in time. It was all a way for me to practice my quirk, go back to the sunset I saw yesterday and go forward to the sunset tomorrow and stop time well, that was easy enough that I didn't really need to practice it but I still did.

I promised myself I'd never be weak again and to prevent myself from being hurt again. "U.A high... I'm becoming hero! Just like you dad!" I exclaimed mockingly, sneering at the thought of actually being a hero. I wonder if my other self became a hero to gain fathers approval? Or maybe to become better? Doesn't matter now. Now doesn't matter at all. "Hah! No... I'm going to U.A so I can pose as a hero. Even with my quirk and how much I've mastered it I still need to be careful... who knows! Maybe some day I'll have to go to a certain point in time where everyone believes I'm a hero just to save myself!" Maybe I really would need to do something like that, I wasn't sure. This quirk came with so much power and potential but all of that came with so much uncertainty.

Everything I learned just filled me with more questions than answers and that uneasy uncertainty.

Other timelines, points in time near impossible to change and of course, other versions of myself or lack there of. I found no trace of other me's existing that have the same quirk as I do, not even the one that told me to keep my quirk hidden. All I know is, is that there's one tree with branches and that tree is my timeline a.k.a the original one with branch timelines or so I think. It's possible the tree is my other self that came back to warn me and I'm a branch timeline because of that. There are other branch timelines with other versions of myself and of course none of them share my time quirk. As far as I'm concerned, I'm alone

Like God.

Alone at the top of the world as the most powerful, no one able to understand me or what I am. No one to relate to and no one to call my friend because no one is near equal enough to even be considered as existing in my presence, yet they do. I recognize that they do and I recognize everyone as people although, my brain thinks one thing and my eyes see another if that makes sense. To put it simply, "Hey Y/n!" Momo greeted with a smile and a wave. "You're uh... standing on your father's grave..." I looked down and stepped back. "Oops... didn't realize..." I looked back at her, she didn't seem happy with me standing on my father's grave.

I thought thats Momo a fellow person!

But my eyes saw someone inferior, someone who existed just to be governed by my power and be trapped in time.

Momo was about to scold me, but I didn't feel like listening so I snapped my fingers. "Hey Y/n!" Momo greeted with a smile and a wave. "Visiting your father's grave huh?" Momo asked with a sincere tone of voice and pitying gaze, it pissed me off. "Yeah, going to U.A so I felt like..." "telling him?" Momo finished my sentence and I nodded. Truth be told I just came to laugh and mock him for thinking I was so weak and not worth a damn. He thought I was quirkless and never even considered I could be a late bloomer, so he abused me. I could go back and change that part of my timeline but it's something called an Absolute Point or something I like to call an Absolute Point, a canon event if you will.

Meant to happen, unchangeable even with a Time Machine and if changed would cause catastrophe beyond human imagination. It wasn't impossible to be changed if you had a quirk like me though, it just took a lot of effort. A lot of effort I didn't feel like puttering in because I was filled with uncertainty. Who knew what would happen if I did change the Absolute Point and made my father a loving and understanding family man. Would my other self come back to warn me to keep my quirk hidden? Would I be erased from time along with my branch? So much uncertainty and so many possibilities where I could end up accidentally erasing myself

"Y/n? You alright?" Momo asked, leaning over my shoulder to look at my absent minded gaze. Seemed like I lost myself in thought. "Yeah.. I'm just... lost in thought." I explained, only giving Momo a brief glance before turning my gaze to look at the nearly set sun. "I understand..." Mono straightened her back with a sad and even more pitying look, pissing me off even more. "It must be hard for you... but I have no doubt you'll make your father proud as a hero" Momo spoke comfortingly. Thats the last thing I wanted, for that shithead to be proud. I hid my scowl and tried to appear as stoic as possible, not that it mattered since I could always try again until I succeeded at seeming stoic or I could make it as if I was despite actually having been rage filled or depressed. "There's no point crying about the past and things you can't change, what's happened happened... end of story..." It wasn't though, not for me.

But for her it was which is why I could think of her as a person as someone possibly equal to me but I could never see her as such. "It's getting late, Momo. Want me to walk you home?" I asker and she nodded with a slight smile before the two of us walked quietly to her house or rather mansion. I watched Momo walk through and close the gates to her yard before waving goodbye and walking up the path to her home before I started walking home.



Author's pov:

"Urgh!" Y/n fell to his knees coughing up blood. All for ones punch missed All Might and All Might quickly took this chance to punch him at full force. Y/n watched as All Might defeated All for one and raise his arm before Y/n collapsed, having caused a change bigger than he could ever realize.

-end of pilot-

MHA/BNHA x Male reader: a man never out of time (18+)Where stories live. Discover now