Let's go to home !! YAY !! #happydance

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Ross' POV :

I woked up , i don't know why but i just woked up without knowing why . I realized that a huge big gigant smile was in my face . Strange . Then i looked down to see a beautiful princess , sleeping on my lap . Oh! I remember , yesterday me and Charlie sleeped here , YAY ! Today we are gonna leave this prision , really i hate hospitals . Man! I felt really warm with her , i mean she is just a angel in my arms . I love her . Then i started to run my fingers through her hair . Man i love her hair , she just have the perfect light brunette soft hair . You could say that her hair is made of gold . I just love her , then i looked at her , she haded a little small smile traced on her kissable pink lips , a closed magical eyes , that you can be lost in her eyes and the perfect tone of her skin . She could be a little bit like snow white but she is more beautiful . My hands loosed control and they moved to her face . I started to send caresses in her cheek . Her skin was just so soft , like a little baby . For that i call her sometimes 'babe' or 'baby' or more like 'baby girl' . She is totally made of pure perfection and beauty . I don't know why but i'm thinking of have sex with her .. i mean .. why not , she is my girlfriend , and i have to show her how much i love her and i care for her .. and .. STUPID ROSS!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT!! I CAN'T JUST ASK HER AND THEN SAY TO HER NO ONE MORE TIME !! I'll wait until we get married . I mean 4 or 5 years . I have to wait 4 or 5 years . That's a lot but , every second with her it worth a million of things . Then my hands moved alone to her lips , my fingers caressed her soft pink lips and then my fingers traced their shape .I couldn't deny it so i leaned in and kissed softly her lips , my tongue moved through them , to catch the taste . Man !! I can't help it but her lips taste really good , then i felt her kissing my back . Man i waked her!!! I'm stupid!!

Charlie'sPOV :

I waked up at a really great feeling . Oh! I realized what is happening , Ross is kissing me to wake up . Again , Aww he is just every second getting more romantic . I love romance , just like i love Ross . I felt him lick my lips , i guess that he wasn't kissing me awake . He is just kissing me . Awww , he just said :

''Man !! I can't help it but her lips taste really good''

He is just so weird , i kissed Ross back . Then Ross pulled away :

''Um..sorry , i... wasn't paying attention at my actions''

''Ross , it's okay , and by the way your lips taste good too''

''Did i just said that out loud??''

''Umm.. yeah..is that a though?''

''Um.. yeah .. well kinda , if you know my thoughts , now it's not a thought''

''I don't know what are you talking about but , OKAY!''

We smiled and Ross said :

''Okay babe , time to go to home sweet home''


He got off of my bed and he said to me :

''I'm gotta to the bathroom ''

''You can't stay here??''

''Well , if you want to kiss a guy with bad sleep breath and with a pee on his pants it's good with me''

''kay , no , go to the bathroom''

''Thanks baby girl''

He got to the bathroom . Well .. he hadn't got a bad breath , actually we just kissed and nothing just felt bad  . Weird . Maybe i'm not paying that attention to the kiss and i'm getting to my enjoying world when i'm kissing him , maybe he don't want to be with me because he don't want to kiss me because i'm not paying attention because i'm getting to my own world !! OMG !!  DID I JUST JEOPARDIZE OR RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!! OMG , OMG , OMG , OMG , OMG AND A TRILLION OF OMG !! WHAT SOULD I DO NOW !!?? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME !!! Wait .. why i'm thinking that way??Ross is my boyfriend . The love of my life .. why i'm getting my self in too much thoughts ?? Nah! I'm living my life ! Then Ross get out of the bathroom and he said :

Did You Just Steal My Heart? [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora