ix. the first battle

Start from the beginning

Being forced to wait for Umbridge's return, the members of the Inquisitorial Squad shoved their captives to the center of the room. Their wands had been confiscated upon capture, but were sitting atop Umbridge's desk, which rested between the two groups. The squad members were keeping an eye on Kates and her friends, but not too closely, for their arrogance and pride led them to be a tad careless. Good.

"We have to get out of here before they reach the forest," whispered Ron, purposefully having his back turned away from the squad. Carrow and his friends were talking amongst themselves, quietly but loud enough to cover up the sound of whispers from across the room. Kates slowly turned so she too was facing away.

"What are they going to find when they get there?" All of her friends were now looking to Ron, whose cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"Let's just say there might be a kid giant out there somewhere." Neville stifled a laugh, and Ginny masterfully covered up her own with a cough. Kates grinned, though it was only temporary. She chanced a glance over her shoulder at the pile of wands, and that was when an idea struck her.

"If I can get my wand, we can retrieve the others easily and make our escape," she murmured, and Ron's gaze shot to her, his head turning so fast that the Slytherins stopped talking for a moment, surely paying more attention to their group of captives. Kates made a point to avoid eye contact with any of them—they would get suspicious if she was looking their way—and pretended to look toward the window. Once they began to chat again, Ron spoke.

"And just how would you do that? They'd stun you before you got that far."

"I didn't say I'd be walking over there," she replied. "I've been spending all year practicing nonverbal spells. In theory I should be able to do wandless magic without too much trouble if I say the incantation out loud."

"Are you mad?" said Ginny. "If it doesn't work and they figure out what you're trying to do—"

"I know the risks," Kates whispered. "But I'm fairly optimistic."

"'Fairly'?" Ron breathed, staring at her with wide eyes.

"If anyone can do it, it's her," said Luna with her usual dreamy voice, shrugging nonchalantly. The two girls smiled at each other.

"Oh, now I'm so reassured," muttered Ron, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Luna's right," huffed Ginny, sounding none too happy about the idea. If risks were going to be taken, she was the one who usually liked to take them. Kates understood that, for she was the same way. "She's the best chance we have."

"Oi!" They all spun around to face Carrow, who was eyeing them suspiciously. "Shut up. The Headmistress said we're to keep you all in line, but she didn't specify how." A shiver went down Kates' spine and some of the other Inquisitorial Squad members chuckled—her brother not being one of them. She made a point to make eye contact with him, and he gave the smallest of helpless shrugs. It was a conversation for another time.

"You think you can get away with hurting us just 'cause you're Umbridge's lackeys?" said Ron, stepping to the front of the group with narrowed eyes. Kates was just off his right shoulder, and she had a feeling that he was not only defending them because he wanted to, but to give her a chance to make her move.

"Pretty much," said Carrow. "Anything else you'd like to say, Weasley?" It was a challenge, and Ron rose to it. He began talking about blood purists and how awful they were as a whole, using many of the same points Kates had told him during the summer. The whole thing amused her for that reason—and because she knew for certain he was acting as a distraction. She tuned him out and focused on the pile of wands. It's just like nonverbal spells, she told herself, just the other way around. Easy.

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