What did her devoted father do to defend her?

Absolutely Nothing.

He prohibited her from participating in the upcoming hunting competition and ordered her to remain confined in her room until he said otherwise so she could think about the blatantly false accusations, despite having no evidence to support them. Then, from the little words going around the maids in the duchy, the Duke gave the 'victim' a fucking large amount of gold as compensation for the damage.

The situation left her feeling helpless, betrayed, and alone She hoped that her father would have stood up for her and believed in her innocence, but his lack of support shattered her trust in him. It was a difficult lesson for her to learn that sometimes even those closest to us can disappoint us.

She stopped calling him father again after that incident and decided to distance herself from him. Because in her eyes, he was no longer worthy of being called by that title or anything close to it.

The amulet was forgotten in the midst of the chaos and placed on her room's dresser as a symbol of her lost freedom and shattered trust, since no amount of effort could compensate for the brutality and neglect imposed on her. She resolved, though, that she would never allow anyone else to make her feel powerless again.

She attached the amulet to her chest, held her little bag tightly, and sat on the couch in the back of the room, loving how the warmth and light from the fire filled the space and made her feel at ease.

The heat emanating from the flames stood in stark contrast to the frigid air that filtered through the windows. She took a long breath and exhaled gently, attempting to relax. She knew she had a long road ahead of her, but for the first time in a while, she felt like she had the power to overcome any obstacle that came her way.

She glanced at the fire once more as she rested her head on the back of the couch, humming a tune while the flames danced, appreciating its supportive partner. As of yet, nobody is aware of the fire. She considers calling for help and pretending to be stuck, but quickly dismisses the thought, realizing that it is not necessary, and ultimately chooses to savor the moment. Feeling her body's tension slowly release, she relaxed and exhaled a happy sigh.

The amulet's power would do the rest, teleporting her to safety when she was ready. All she has to do is recite the incantation inscribed on the back of the amulet. Or perhaps the smoke will suffocate her just enough to make it work. It didn't matter to her whether it was this or that. It was all the same.

What mattered was that she was free from the constraints of her mundane life and free to explore the depths of her own desires and passions. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander, imagining all the adventures she could have and the things she could see. She portrayed herself as a free spirit, wandering aimlessly without any obligations or responsibilities, enjoying the simple pleasures of life, and basking in the warm sun without a care in the world.

She longed for a life without fear, where she could be herself without having to hide behind a mask of conformity or societal expectations. Perhaps she could travel to distant lands, meet new people, and experience things she never thought possible. Or maybe she could become a designer, creating beautiful and innovative designs that would captivate the world, with her imagination as her only limit. The possibilities were endless, and she was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. But for now, she will enjoy the peace and solitude of her little bubble.

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