"my ear!"

"let go! you're ripping my hair out!"

"ow, ow! my tail!"

kiri couldn't help but laugh at the scene. The three of you looked like idiots, yet she felt happy you stood up for yourselves.

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you, lo'ak and neteyam stood in a line in front of jake.

"what's the one thing i asked!?" he angrily glanced at all of you as he paced around the marui.

"to stay out of trouble." lo'ak responded, earning a surprised look from you, as you'd forgotten what jake had asked in the first place.

neteyam tried to explain the situation but was quickly shut down by jake, scolding him for trying to take the blame off you two,

"and you!" jake exclaimed, looking down at you with an expression of both anger and shock. "y/n do you realise how quickly you could get banished!? in fact, you could get us all banished!"

"wait dad—it wasn't her fault. they made fun of her for not being able to swim and called her a mutant! she didn't initiate anything." lo'ak defended you, taking a step forward and unconsciously using one of his arms to shield you.

"...I can swim! I just have a small...fear of being in deep water ," you whispered, looking down awkwardly.

"..." jake exhaled, both stressed and tired about this situation. "go and apologise."


"that is the chief's son! do you understand that? now go, all of you. and y/n, you better pray you don't get exiled because of this."

"why is your dad so scary..." you whispered, walking quickly out of the marui. "look, i'm still shaking!"

"try living 14 years with him." lo'ak jokingly replied, ignoring neteyam's eye-roll.

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after apologising to ao'nung, your decided 'punishment' was to overcome your fear of the water. that way you'd be more helpful around the clan.

"how is this fair! all y/n has to do is spend more time in the water!" lo'ak complained, lying flat on the sand in frustration.

your head was resting on neteyam's lap, as he had offered it to you after you kept complaining about sand getting into your hair. you turned your head to look at lo'ak's small tantrum and let out a muffled laugh.

"is something funny?" lo'ak asked, sitting up to face the two of you. lo'ak's face was covered in sand, you could barely even see his actual skin. neteyam immediately burst out laughing, putting an arm around you to ensure you didn't fall as he twisted and turned in hysterics.

"bye. i'm not staying here to be laughed at." lo'ak playfully crossed his arms and got up and started to leave. neteyam tried to call out for him to stay yet he could barely catch his breath due to his laughter. by the time he had finally finished, lo'ak was long out of sight.

you looked up at neteyam, raising your eyebrow questioningly. "why do you always try to roll away when you laugh? i bet if you were unrestricted, you would roll into the ocean!" you tease, chuckling at your own words.

neteyam leaned down and looked at you teasingly, "oh yeah?" he immediately grabbed your waist and adjusted himself. Hence, you were parallel to the shoreline. "we'll see who's gonna roll into the ocean alright."

before you could question his plans, he started rolling towards the water.

"wait!..sto-" you tried to protest. but he was rolling so fast it was hard to take deep breaths, let alone talk. as you felt the cold waves splash against your skin, you let out a high-pitched squeal. neteyam laughed mischievously before finally letting go of your waist. he noted your fear of the ocean and didn't want to push your boundaries, so the water's height was only slightly above your ankles.

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