27 When You Walk In on Them Taking a Shower

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It was late at night and you just wanted to sleep. The only problem was that you left your pajamas in the bathroom and Itachi was showering now. You tried to knock but he didn't answer.

"I guess I'll just have to walk in." You mumbled to yourself. You opened the door to see Itachi. He was 100% naked. Your eyes widened, as well as his.

"_____, what are you doing?" He covered himself up with a towel. You pointed to your pajamas.

"I need those." You tried to remain calm. He grabbed your pajamas and handed them to you. "Thank you and sorry..." You lingered to watch him for a moment longer. His body was wet. He was a very small man compared to the other members, but he had muscles. He was hot, that was an understatement though.

"You can go now _____." Itachi broke you out of your thoughts. You nodded your head and walked out of the room. You smiled to yourself.

"I'm happy that man is my boyfriend." You said to yourself happily.


You needed to get something out of the bathroom. It was something important and you needed it now. Kisame was just taking forever in the bathroom. How long does one man need the shower for? You finally lost your patience.

"Kisame I'm coming in!" You yelled as you flung open the door. He had been getting out of the shower with a towel around his waist. You couldn't help but stare at him. He was a tall, blue sexy man. It was shocking to see how much sexier the guy could get when he had water dripping from him.

"_____...you're staring." Kisame informed you, not bothered at all by it.

"S-Sorry Kisa." You were angry at yourself for stuttering. You quickly grabbed what you needed and left. You heard him chuckling at your reaction.

"He is too attractive for his own good." You mumbled to yourself. "How'd I get so lucky to end up with such a man?" You blushed as you thought about his body again.


Hidan kicked you out of the bathroom before you could get your hair styled. It made you angry. You needed to do your hair and you knew he'd be in the bathroom to take a shower forever. You took a deep breath and walked right into the bathroom. Hidan was standing there, naked, about to get into the shower. He looked a little shocked that you'd do that.

"What the fuck _____?" Hidan snapped, but didn't try to hide his body.

"I am going to do my hair. Get over it." You walked over to the mirror and began working on your hair.

"I'm trying to take a fucking shower."

"My standing here isn't affecting you taking a shower dumbass!"

"Bitch." Hidan grumbled as he climbed into the shower. You smiled at yourself. Hidan was hot, everyone could tell. You were eager to see how he'll look when he's wet. You were very glad that he was all yours. His hotness makes up for his bad language. You giggled at that thought.


You were curious about how many stitches Kakuzu had on his body. You've seen him naked before, but your mind wasn't on the stitches when he was naked. You knew that Kakuzu was in the shower, so you decided to go and spy on him.

You slowly opened the bathroom to see your boyfriend getting out of the shower. He had stitches all over his body. To a normal person that probably wouldn't be attractive, but to you it made him even more attractive. He probably wouldn't look right without the stitches. You loved them.

"_____?" You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't see Kakuzu looking at you. You took a step away from the door.

"Oh, hey Kuzu." You said trying to play it cool.

"Care to explain what you are doing?" He began to dry himself. He was clearly not upset or angry that you decided to watch him while he's naked.

"I was curious about you." You were embarrassed to be caught creeping on your boyfriend like that.

"Next time you are curious about me, just ask to see me naked." Kakuzu seemed to find the situation funny. When your face turned a shade of bright red, it actually made him chuckle. You'd normally be mad that he found your embarrassment funny, but he was naked, and it's hard to be mad at a sexy naked guy.


You left your makeup bag in the bathroom. Unfortunately, you were in a hurry to get ready because Konan was dragging you out of the hideout, so you weren't paying attention. You walked right into the bathroom and collided with a very naked Tobi. You both let out a startled yell and fell to the floor.

"_____, why are you walking in here like that? You knew I was taking a shower!" Obito yelled, more startled than angry.

"I forgot and I'm in a hurry." You yelled back. Well almost yelled, halfway through the yell you actually looked at Tobi. Your eyes widened as your eyes fell upon your very attractive boyfriend. It then clicked in your mind that he was naked. "I'm so sorry Obito!" You shielded your eyes. You heard him laugh as he stood up and pulled you with him.

"What'd you come in here for?"

"My makeup bag."

"Here." He pushed your bag into your arms and pushed you out of the bathroom. You were embarrassed. You had never seen him accidentally naked before. You were happy though. You had never noticed how incredibly hot he was when he was naked, but you were in a hurry so you had to think about that later.


You wanted to paint your toe nails. The nail polish was in the bathroom unfortunately. Deidara had just gotten in the shower, and you knew he didn't like to show his chest mouth. He was worried that it'd scare you away. You however are not a patient person, so you walked into the bathroom anyway.

Deidara was standing there in all his naked glory. He picked a bad moment to get his shower hairbrush. The two of you stared into each other's eyes, until yours began to wander. Your eyes went right to his chest.

"Amazing." You gasped when you saw his chest mouth.

"_____ what are you doing, hm!" He was angry.

"I wanted the nail polish?" You said as if it was a question.

"Well take it and go, hm!" You took the nail polish and hurried out. You paused at the door though.

"Dei, I like the mouth. You should show it more often." You smiled sweetly at him before fully leaving the bathroom. "Yup, now I'm totally sure he is sexy as hell." You smiled to yourself and went to paint your nails.

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