"Well isn't that right?" Ms. O' Lantern put all her attention on Mrs.Jinn and Sdot.

"Mhm, well Shadon ill see you after class. Sorry for the inconvenience." Mrs.Jinn finished, leaving the classroom.

"Shadon find a seat I was in the middle of instruction." Ms. O'Lantern demanded.

Sdot walked closer to the middle of the classroom where the desk were aligned in multiple row's.

Surprisingly he sat right next to Lyric.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna let you guy's do your thing. Keep the volume at a 1 and yes you may listen to music if you'd like." Ms. O'Lantern said passing the worksheet's out one by one.

Lyric politely took the paper, saying thank you she immediately got started on it.

Sdot on the other hand cluelessly looked around after getting his worksheet.

Feeling slightly embarrassed he still asked Lyric for a pencil.

"Yo you got a pencil?" Sdot looked Lyric up and down.

Lyric didn't want to give him the pencil. But the figured if she did he'd somewhat chill on her.

So she gave it to him.

"Thank's." Sdot said, receiving the pencil he acted like he was writing on the paper.

He wasn't dumb, school just wasn't his thing.

Sdot only came to school because his mother wanted him to graduate. Lyric finished the paper in under thirty minutes.

Once she was done she got up to turn the paperwork in.

Before she got up she heard Ms. O'Lantern call out for Sdot.

"Shadon come here please." O'Lantern called out for him.

Hearing that Lyrica just got on her phone until whatever their conversation was about ended.

Sdot's POV

"Shadon come here please." Ms. O'Lantern semi yelled catching my attention.

I stood up and walked closer to her desk.

"So Mrs.Jinn won't be here at the end of the day to speak to you. She wanted me to let you know to meet her in her office first thing tomorrow morning." Ms. O'Lantern explained clearly.

"Is that all?" I plainly spoke back.

"Yeah, go on now." She motioned me to walk away with hand signal's.

Turning around I seen that girl get up with her worksheet in her hand. She was walking closer to the front of the classroom when she walked by me.

Passing each other I "accidentally" groped her... oh well.

Lyric's POV

As I walked near Ms. O's desk I felt someone grab my "bottom half" aggressively.

I wasn't really paying attention so when I looked up from my phone I saw Shadon.

I think I saw him slightly smirk at me but I don't know. It was most likely a accident because he wouldn't touch me like that if he didn't like me.

A small thought in the back of my mind kept saying "maybe he does like me". I still shook off the interaction however.


The final bell of the day rung loudly. Bringing Lyric to get up right away.

Exiting the room she felt someone bump into her from behind. She looked back seeing it was Sdot who was now looking down at her.

Don't hurt me | Sdot GoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ