|S.1 E.3|

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Lyric frantically ran down the school's staircase, trying to get away from Sdot.

Her entire head was drenched in milk as she slipped and slid down the hallway.

Lyric came across an empty hallway closet a few feet away from her. Scurrying inside she saw a mop, a cart, and another door inside the small room.

Must be the janitor's closet. Lyric thought, cracking the door while she turned off the light.

She heard footsteps creeping up down the hallway. Looking through the crack she saw Sdot and friend's searching for her.

"Damn where is that bitch!" Morgan huffed coming out of the girl's bathroom.

"We'll see her at the end of the day." Sdot chuckled walking away, leaving out of the school's exit door. With everyone following behind.

Hearing the exit door slam shut she hurried away out of the closet. Huffing knowing she dodged a bullet.

Dusting herself off she realized this would be the new everyday reality for her.

The classroom bell rung loudly alerting all student's lunchtime was over.

There was only two lunches, the first one for only freshman students. And the second one for any other grade level except freshman.

All the student's came down the hallway's getting ready for their last period.

Lyric shuffled through the crowd to try to make it to class on time. Shortly she made it right before the bell rang.

"Hi Ms. O'Lantern." Lyric greeted her favorite teacher, sitting in the front of the class.

"Hello sweetheart how are you?" Ms. O'Lantern concernedly asked.

"I've had better day's but I'll be fine. How about yourself?" Lyric answered changing the subject.

"I'm doing well hun thank you for asking." Ms. O'Lantern nodded at Lyric politely smiling.

Ms. O'Lantern noticed certain thing's about Lyric but never made her thoughts aware.

She figured Lyric was just going through something like a bad break up.

Meaning that whenever Lyric wore something that showed her fresh scar's. O'Lantern would try her best to ignore them even if she got in trouble for not reporting it.

"All right class listen up!" Ms. O'Lantern said catching everyone's attention, once she heard the class bell ring.

"You guy's have a partner assignment today. It's real simple, it'll be due by the end of tomorrow." Ms. O'Lantern announced.

The conversation was interrupted when the door was being opened by a key.

"Sorry to interfere Kim, I was outside and caught Shadon here. An a group of other's trying to leave campus." The principal, Mrs.Jinn explained.

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