yes and no's

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we live in a world where there are only yes's and no's.

since the day you were born, your mother held you by their arms and you stopped crying, it was a yes.

by age 5 your father carried you around his neck and pretended you were riding a plane and you started giggling, it was a yes.

at age 12 you had your first crush and admired them so much so you had to get them something. you really had to. so you gave them a flower. your crush threw it on the ground and walked away. this was your first no.

age 17 you passed your driving test and got a driver's license, it was a yes.

then age 20 you are working at an office for almost a year now but before you were, you were on an interview at this company and you got the job. back then, it was a yes.

at age 32 you've met someone and instantly clicked with them. you guys started going to movies together, eating together and bonding with them all the time. fast forward to 33 and you guys are now engaged. by the time you reached 34 you were already married. it was a yes.

at 35, you got positive on a pregnancy test, and a blessing is coming to both you and your spouse's way. it was a yes.

age 50 you and your partner started to grow grey hairs and had a teen to provide still. both of your job's are stable but you decided to add an extra income by starting a business. unfortunately, your sales were at low rate. it was a no.

at age 70 the love of your life, your other half, your partner and spouse left you to join the heavens of earth and it was hard for you to accept this. you were in denial and had gone through a rough pace. it was a no.

months after your beloved passed away, you lay down in your bed holding their picture in a frame, near your chest. as a tear fell down your cheek and a slight fainted smile on your face as you used your last breath. knowing you and your lover will be together once again. and it was a yes.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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