2: reunited and it feels so good

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Most of the soldiers who went through the tent to get the most superficial of wounds and scrapes to be looked at by me. There were more nurses here than just me, quite a few of them were single too. I didn't want to believe Bucky when he said that a lot of the soldiers talked about me until I overheard a conversation with the doctors and other soldiers who were in command of the base.

Sure, I have a flattering figure but I'm not flaunting it for every man here. I'm just existing and doing my job.

A few days went by after I saw Bucky and his group leave. They've never been gone that long but I shouldn't be too worried, right? I just have a gut feeling that he's still on this side of the living, maybe that's why I'm not too worried.

While the uninjured men went to the other side of the camp for some performance, I stayed in my tent making sure everything was on hand for me just in case anyone showed up. Or just for Bucky to show up.

Once I was finished with everything, I tried to make my way back to my quarters and I was stopped in my tracks when I accidentally ran into another woman. She was dressed in an army uniform and spoke with a British accent.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump you that hard. Are you okay," I asked.

"I'm alright. Don't worry about me. Actually, you seem oddly familiar, is your name Rose perhaps," she said. "I'm Peggy Carter, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Peggy. And well, it's my middle name. Only my brother calls me that. Please call me Grace, wait- how do you know my brother?"

"It's kind of a long story, he's actually here. I was just on my way to find him."

My brother? Here? There's no way. "No wonder my letters went unanswered. What the heck, I'll come with you."

We walked together in the rain for a solid five minutes when we walked up on a man who was drawing in a notebook. It looked like something Steve would draw but the man looked nothing like him. When Peggy greeted him as Steve I thought she was pulling my leg.

The man turned around, it was definitely Steve's face. I was just super confused.

"Rose! Holy cow, I have so much to tell you," he said while giving me a hug.

I didn't hug back and pulled him off. "Uhm, you may have my brother's face but not his body. Tell me something only the two of us know."

"When we were five you fell face first onto a sidewalk and busted your lip so badly that we had to go to the hospital because you wouldn't stop bleeding. That's why you have a scar on your bottom lip," he said.

I reached up to where the scar was. Yeah, that was a pretty vivid memory. And the scar isn't very noticeable, you'd have to be looking at my face very intensely to notice. "Alright, I believe you. Why have you never written me a letter back?"

"I joined the army. I'll tell you the whole story later."

Peggy joined in on our conversation but reverted back to what she was originally here to talk to Steve about. Turns out he was the entertainment for the soldiers who were back.

"I understand your 'America's New Hope'," Peggy said.

"Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit," Steve added.

"Is that Senator Brant I hear?"

"At least he's got me doing this. Phillips would've had me stuck in a lab."

"And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey?"

"I'm most certain that he could never be a lab rat. Can't contain a man who knows what he wants to do," I interjected.

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