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Dominic Biancardi

Seeing her last night was the most captivating feeling that has gone through me in a while, seeing Nikola being rude to her made me want to rip this throat out, Rightfully so, I had been watching her since we go into Ace's and she started waiting on our table. I watched her the whole night, seeing guys trying to throw themselves at her while you can tell that she was not interested at all. Not like the rest of the bottle girls in my club who know that most of the men that do come here have deep pockets and they throw themselves at them. After seeing her trying her best to avoid Nikola I stayed till the club closed and watched her leave, then I fired Nikola he was shocked and did not even trying to fight me on it.

After that texted Angelo, who is my main guy when it comes to find everything out about a person, I asked him to go through files of our employees and to then do a further search and to get back to me. I would do it on my own but what's the point when I have other people who can do it for me. After looking around and making sure that everything was in tact I made my way outside a saw my driver waiting for me, I made my way into the car and he drove me back to my penthouse. It was located in a private building that I also own leaving it to become a compound in a way, heavily armed no one gets in or out without me knowing it, Just how I like it. My father wasn't to happy about me moving away from the family house but its also one of the many things that I changed since I took over. I like my privacy I don't need everyone knowing my business and I would like to keep it that way.

My mother also did not like me treating her house like a revolving hotel door of women as she says. But she can't blame me, I'm not to much of a big feelings kind of guy whats the point of getting involved in dating your just going to end up hurt anyways. Plus I enjoy that way women throw themselves at me it reminds me constantly that there is no one better.

After getting home and settling some deals and a few shipments I finally decided to rest, my days mainly consist of I work all night, sleep for a few hours and then wake up, train and tend to all of the bullshit I have to do.

Rebecca Da Santos

After getting home from the club I showered and went to bed for a while, soon I woke up after a few hours and make myself some breakfast, french toast my usual and favorite. While I finish plating it a realized how loud my stomach was rumbling and that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday night. The only downside to working as a bottle girl is that I work for long hours and its always over night. My shifts are always from 6 PM to 5 AM but the pay is good so I don't complain.

After eating I took a shower and got dressed because I wanted to go shopping for a few things for my apartment plus is was a beautiful day in New York City, even though I'm not originally from here I do prefer it than being back in Brazil. I got dressed in some high waisted blue jeans and a while crop top and a light blue jacket that matches with the pants. I put on some black strapy heels and grabbed my white Chanel bag and made my way out of my apartment.

I hailed a cab and made my way to a few of my favorite stores and spent the rest of the day buying some items for myself along with my apartment. After stopping at a few stores I decided to make my way to Noi Due, it was one of favorite restaurants, and since I was starving it seems like the perfect choice.

Once I got in I was showed to my table and waited for my waiter. He eventually came and took my order. Which was a simple baked ziti and a mimosa. While waiting for my food I was looking at my phone, going through social media and seeing what was new when a glass of wine was placed down in-front of me. Snapping me out of my concentration towards my phone.

I was met with a pair of light blue eyes and a smirk. He stood tall in-front of me wearing dress pants with a light blue polo shirt, the first two buttons undone exposing some chest tattoos along with his two full sleeves down to his hands. "I suggest the wine, its much better than the mimosas" he said while sitting down in-front of me. "I didn't realize that an empty seat came with an open invitation" I stated back at my boss causing him to chuckle under his breath.

"No worries I'm allowed to" he said while waving down the waiter who quickly came running toward the table. "Whisky ... straight" he said bluntly to the waiter who ran off to the bar to put in the order. "Mr. Biancardi there's no need to talk to him like that" I say feeling bad for the waiter who looked like he was trembling while talking to the bartender.

"The boss allows it" he said simply. "And who might that be" I questioned him with actual curiosity. He chuckled at me and soon replied "The hot guy sitting in-front of you" he whispered, the waiter brought him his drink and ran off again. He took a big gulp of the whisky and looked over at me his eyes almost piercing though my skull.

"Is there something I can help you with Mr. Biancardi, I would like to eventually eat my food in peace" I asked him. "Its interesting how you didn't stand up to Nikola but you are to me" He says while leaning back into the chair seemingly getting more comfortable which I can tell he has no plans of leaving soon, why would he, he owns the place after all.

"I like to do my job and get it over with, not causing problems" I said looking everywhere except for his eyes which are still staring at me without looking away. "Well good for you he no longer will be a problem for you, I fired him" he says causing my eyes to pop and actually look at him straight in the face.

"Why did you do that" I asked him shifting in my seat. "Tell me the truth Rebecca, why did Nikola dislike you so much" he asked while taking his last gulp of his drink and signaling to the waiter for another one. "Because I wouldn't sleep with him like the other girls have, he made it seem like having sex with him would put the bottle girls in a better position at work, but who would want to sleep with a sleaze bag like that" I said

"Good to know Rebecca, now tell me the truth did he touch you" he asked getting closer to me. "He tired once but I slapped him. He walked into the locker rooms while I was changing and tried to undress me while trying to convince me to have sex with him saying it was apart of the initiation of working at Ace's" I spat out, why I was telling him this I have no idea I haven't even told my best friend about this incident. But it happened so long ago and I needed to defended myself.

Mr.Bancardi's jaw began to twitch with anger and then he looked away after what felt like a few minutes he looked back at and took a deep breath. "Good thing he won't be bothering you again, listen Rebecca I will be at Ace's every night for a couple of weeks. There will be some changes made to your schedule I'll see you there tonight and we'll discuss further" he said while getting up and making his way out of the restaurant. Douche I thought. Leaving me with a words in my mouth however without having anyone to reply to. Eventually my food came and I ate it all pretty quickly. And I did in fact like the wine more than the mimosa I originally ordered. I guess he does know what he's talking about.

I asked the waiting for the bill as he walked up to me with a small smile. "I'm sorry I can't bring you the bill its on the house, orders for Mr. Biancardi, have a good night" he said and smiled at me then quickly walked away. I looked around confused and grabbed my belongings and made it outside, hailing a cab and making my way back to my apartment.


Authors note :
Picture of Rebecca above 🩷🩷.

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