Epilogue of Loki's story

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                                       *Please note there will be more chapters for Peter/Tony*

3rd person POV

House of Gold by twenty one pilots (listen to it please reading lyrics is never the same)

She asked me, son, when I grow old

Will you buy me a house of gold
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of me
She asked me, son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of meI will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of diseaseLet's say we up and left this town
And turned our future upside-down
We'll make pretend that you and me
Lived ever after, happilyShe asked me, Son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of me?
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease
(Ooh)And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someoneShe asked me, Son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of me?
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease

It took everyone a few days to believe the whole ordeal wasn't a prolonged April Fool's joke. But judging by Loki's cringing every time someone mentioned it and never once falling back into his Ultron half-truth, eventually they trusted him- and Stephen.

That day happened to be karaoke night, with songs Peter found off the internet. Maybe it was fate that Loki got the one sad one (the one I wrote if it's unclear), but he broke down before he was halfway through. Peter shut it off, but that didn't help.

"Brother, wh-" Thor started, understanding the lyrics halfway through. "Oh."

"I- I missed her funeral," Loki said, trying to get the tears off his face. "I. Missed. It."

"So do a second one," Clint offered legitimately. "S'what me and Barney did."

Natasha gave him a confused look, but Loki took him seriously.

"Can we? Please?" He turned to Thor, who had started crying as well. It was all he could do to nod, at the confusion of Tony and everyone else- besides Clint, Peter, Wanda, and Pietro.

They all got up and left, Loki and Thor still crying. Tony ran after them after a second, confused and concerned.

"What are you doing?" he asked, having just caught up to them. Thor looked at him, hammer in the air, right before the Bifrost took them all to Asgard.

Tony, unprepared, tripped and fell on the ground. Heimdall took the sword out of its slot and gave them all a questioning, but not harsh, look.

"Mother..." was all Loki could say. Heimdall gave him a hug, secretly taking the HYDRA pocketknife he had in his pocket- but he could tell that he was legitimately upset. After all, he had almost raised him.

"Can we hold a funeral?" Clint asked, more serious than Tony had ever seen him. Heimdall nodded.

"Will Father be mad?" Thor asked, still crying.

"Not if he doesn't know," Heimdall said.

Tony was confused. Was Asgard run like this- with secrets and treason- or was that just a current issue? And how the arc reactor were Pietro and Clint serious right now?

Either way, Thor and Loki found a shore they'd sparred on a few times as children- small, secluded, and hardly more than a tree and some dirt and the lake Asgard was built on.

They held an Asgardian funeral- hardly more than Loki pulling a big strip of bark off the tree and setting Frigga's book on it. He pushed it off onto the lake and set it on fire with one of Clint's arrows. Thor and Loki watched it burn, subconsciously holding onto each other, crying. Tony never said anything. He knew he'd screw it up.

Wanda and Pietro were crying too. Neither of them said it, but both of them were remembering how they were too busy with vengeance to actually pay their respects to their parents. Peter sat next to them, crying over Uncle Ben.

Tony saw everyone crying and somehow thought of Ho Yinsen- the man who died to give a weapons engineer another chance.

He'd always say it was the lack of sleep that tipped him off.

Loki barely remembered to cast the levitation spell before the burning book fell off the cliff.

They sat there, regretting everything, for a while. Loki stood up first.

"Asgardian funerals don't have speeches," he said. "We're not supposed to dwell on the past."

Thor nodded.

"And I say screw that," he said. "The past is the past, but that doesn't mean it never happened. And after all-"

he glanced at the golden city a half mile away.

"We all know Asgardians are a bunch of hypocrites."

He looked back at the burning raft, hardly a red spark with a trail of smoke on the horizon. Thor knew that meant to get up, so they all stood and waited until there was nothing but smoke.

Of course, Odin was waiting at the rainbow bridge because he has nothing better to do than screw up everyone's lives.

Loki was done crying by then, and so was everyone else, at least for now. After all, Frigga wouldn't really have wanted him to beat himself up over it for as long as he had- and that had been enough.

Odin immediately started ranting, and Loki nodded impatiently until he was done.

"You're being arrested," he snarled (lol idk help). 

"You forgot one thing," Loki said, grinning. "I'm a Midgardian citizen."

Tony stepped forward to counter that but turned it into an agreement thing, seeing Heimdall secretly giving them all a thumbs-up.

"And because I've been proven innocent on multiple occasions, it would be technically illegal to put me back in prison. Which would crumble your relations with Midgard, which I'm betting is your backup plan in case Ragnarok ever happens again," he continued. "Which is probably inevitable, by the way... so have a nice century!"

Odin looked dumbfounded. Loki knew better than to hang around, but he couldn't help just one last taunt.

"I forgot- I changed my name to Loki Friggason."


yeah sorry im not updating as much. Homework... either way, It'll probably be at least six more chapters and I'm also doing one-shots. Yeah. Thanks for reading still!

My fault (The true story of Ultron and a buncha chaos)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum