15. Slughorn's party

Start from the beginning

whatever was happening with his mind, and heart, needed to be stopped before it was too late. so he turned in the opposite direction and went to the Room of Requirements as he planned to do.


you stood next to one of the big windows

a drink in your hand and you observed as Harry took a photo with Slughorn

you were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't notice Hermione approaching and flinched when the girl caught your arm pulling you behind a curtain

<what's going on?>

you asked after seeing her messed-up state

<I may or may not have just stood up Cormac under the mistletoe>

she trailed off and you almost facepalmed yourself

it was obvious Hermione would invite McLaggen just to piss Ronald off, you had already seen it coming, but now that she admitted it out loud you just wanted to slap her

<McLaggen? for real? couldn't make a worst choice>

you commented and she looked at you half offended

<at least he showed up, not like Malfoy>

you put a hand on your chest pretending to be extremely offended by her words and dramatically gasped before coming back to being serious and gulping down the rest of your drink

<as if we ever expected him to actually show up>

you muttered putting the empty glass on the windowsill behind you

why was it disturbing you so much that he didn't come?

Hermione bit her lip and looked at you apologetically

at that moment the curtain moved and Harry joined you

<what are you doing here?>

you shook your head and passed him a fake smile

<hiding from one date and hoping the other will come>

you ventured with a mocking tone

<I thought Draco would come soon>

Harry put on and you shrugged your shoulders

one of the waiters appeared behind the curtain

<dragon tartare>

he asked offering the tray with little snacks on it in your direction

<no, I'm fine. thank you>

Hermione answered hugging herself with her arms

<just as well. they give on horribly bad breath>

the waiter commented and you watched surprised as Hermione snatched the tray out of his hands

<on second thought. might keep Cormac at bay>

she reasoned starting to stuff her mouth with the snacks

<God here he comes>

she chocked before handing the tray to Harry and slowly tiptoeing away

<I think she just went to powder her nose>

Harry said as Cormac made his way behind the curtain clearly looking for his date

you just rolled your eyes and made a disgusted face at the boy who started eating off the tray in Harry's hands

<slippery little minx, your friend. and she likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she?>

you couldn't help but cringe even more at his comment

<what is this I'm eating, by the way?>

he asked with his mouth full

<dragon balls>

you put out and escaped as soon as you saw his face almost turning green, you didn't want to assist him in vomiting


Neville asked stopping by you again, you sighed and took another glass off his tray

<it's the third tonight. I may think you want to get me drunk Longbottom>

you laughed and the boy chuckled. you always liked Neville, he may be a little of a slouch sometimes, but he really was a sweet guy

<something must keep your mood up tonight>

Neville giggled and you smiled at him softly

the door suddenly opened with a loud thud making you all turn toward it

Flinch entered calling out for Slughorn and tugging Malfoy by his sleeve forcefully

you gasped and quickly went to them leaving your glass to Neville 

Draco hissed at Filch to take his filthy hands off him but the other didn't seem bothered by it

<I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. he claims to have been invited to your party>

Filch mumbled pushing Draco but still not letting go of his sleeve

<I invited him. he is my plus one>

you exclaimed and ran up to the blonde who just now shook his arm out of the firm grip

Slughorn looked at you confused and then at Malfoy before turning back to Filch

<well, I guess the mystery is solved then>

the professor commented putting back a smile on his face

<everyone, let's go back to our party>

as the room started to be filled again with the noise of people chatting you felt Draco move next to you

<where are you going?>

you spat at him as you saw him going to the exit right behind Filch

<going back to the common room>

he groaned with his back still facing you

something inside of you clicked, you weren't going to let him treat you like that

<I don't think so>

you hissed and stood in front of him blocking his way

the boy looked at you confused, he wasn't expecting you to act like that

you put your hands on your hips

<you are not leaving me here alone. you are my date and you are going to act up to it>

you stated pointing your index finger at his chest

Draco blinked a couple of times looking at you dumbfounded

he wasn't expecting you to lash out at him, his breath got stuck in his lungs when you took a few steps closer

you were standing so close that your noses nearly touched

<act like the good boyfriend you are>

you whispered and stood next to him looping your arm with his pulling him with you back to the party

the blonde was still too stunned to speak

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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