= Part 1=

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•You're pov•

You Were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch, in the corner as always, It was very loud, and many people were talking and laughing until everyone went quiet as a loud shatter can be heard from a table in the cafeteria, it became quiet,  like..really really quiet.

I sit up from my seat to see what's going on, I see a girl with brown hair and a red sweatshirt, some blackish leggings and a grey shirt, I glance around her to see her phone shattered on the ground, she walks towards James, the 'Weird' kid in school, I never talked to him or had any interactions with him either.

Since I'm a few tables behind james table, I can't really hear what she saying, but it looks like she's so something to james, My nosey ass self, was curious, so I got up with my food tray and I 'walked' towards a garbage can next to james table, I hear Alyssa say 'I've seen ya skatin'.." Alyssa says "yeah.." james says as he removes his headphones "you're pretty shit.." Alyssa says "fuck off.." James says, I throw away my tray as I see that Alyssa looked over at me, I glance at her, then I slowly walk back to my table to grab my stuff.

| Okay..okay I know it's short it's just that it's really late where I live and I have important Appointment tomorrow so I'm gonna try to get some sleep before that, Hope you guys enjoy this first story, love you guys❤️ |

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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