2 bsfs vs 2 bsfs

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Omar liked Anaya. She also liked him dey didn't wanna date so they were js friends with benefits no sexual shit tho. Then someone else came in the picture. Omar's bsf, khalid. Khalid was 15. He was introduced to me m Anaya n we quickly became a squad, I felt an attraction towards khalid cuz of his voice n him in general. The more time I spent with dem I realized I infact did like khalid. Next thing he's confessing his feelings towards me. We both didn't wanna date so we were fresh w benefits too. We wud call n shit. I met khalid on 25 October. Not even 2 days n we started being lovey dovey den I get the text which I was ALWYA scared of. The text made my heart drop. He wanted to end it, becuz his mom found out. I was devastated. Omar n Anaya didn't know wat to do either becuz they cudnt stop him. Shit was going down I missed him so much I wud cry to Anaya n Omar to the point where Omar refused to help me n said not to talk abt him.

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