Chapter 13 Vlyad's first mission

Start from the beginning

"I smell the scent of blood coming from that way that means a vampire was there." Laurence said pointing deep in the forest.

"Great now here's the plan we hide our arua and scent and then shape-shift to ambush the vampire." Lillian said

"Wait were actually going to shape-shift?" I asked

"Yeah you do know how to shape-shift? Right?" Lillian asked

"Uhh." I said confused I mean I knew vampires could shape-shift but was a half vampire so I didn't know how to.

"You mean you've been screwing around instead of learning how to shape-shift do you even know how to use telekinesis?" Laurence asked

"No." I replied

"Teleport?" Laurence asked

"No." I said

"Hypnotize or even use possession"? Lillian asked

"Um no the only thing I know is to read minds and use some of my telepathic powers." I said

"You know what nevermind we need to come up with a new plan." Lillian stated

After a few minutes of thinking and trying to come up with ideas to kill the vampire Lillian finally thought of one to help us eliminate it and also help any of the victims and bystanders.

"Okay so here's what we're going to do me and Laurence shape-shift into normal forest animals and Vlyad you hide in a tree and once Laurence gives you the single you come out and distract the vampire then me and Laurence turn back into our human forms and we ambush the vampire and just in case if a Genkai Takai member shows up then we also eliminate them however if it's rank 2 or 1 then we call for backup.

"Wait did you say rank 2?" Laurence asked

"Yes why?" Lillian asked

"It's just wait did she use to be a jujutsu scorcer?" He asked

"Well that's what our sources say about her she was the strongest during the Hein period. Why you know something about her that's important?" She asked

"What no" Laurence replied

"Your lying I can tell by reading your mind you were close with her during the Tashio Era weren't you?" I asked

"Okay fine, you want the truth well the truth is I used to date her." Laurence replied

"Wait Laurence is this when she was Genkai or still just special grade also what exactly happened between you two?" Lillian asked

"Well she was rank 3 back then I remembered she was chosen to become rank 1 but she decided to become rank two. I never really knew about her technique. I mean she was nice, thoughtful and sweet but you know we both had different goals and opinions and we went through separate paths and wait a minute why am I even telling you this!?" Laurence asked

"Okay enough with the lovey-dovey stuff we have a mission." I reminded them

"Right, alright team fall out." Lillian said. Just then we headed to the spot where Laurence sensed the vampire and both of them shape-shifted into owls and both of them were waiting on a tree branch.

"Seriously you copied me!" Laurence quietly shouted

"Your just jealous because I look more cuter than you." Lillian said as I tried climbing up the tree but I couldn't.

"Uhh so how can I teleport?" I asked

"Just focus on where you want to go and really set your mind on the coordinates." Laurence said so I followed his advice and all of a sudden I landed on a branch luckily I didn't fall. Just then I saw a vampire walk by he had dark red hair and red eyes and had tan skin he was wearing a black coat and red t-shirt with dark blue jeans.

My vampire lovers| A Garroth x Laurence, Garroth x Aphmau, Garroth x Blaze storyWhere stories live. Discover now