Meeting him - Choso

Start from the beginning

Yuji just shrugged. I guess he probably wasn't thinking about that at the time, he did ask me relatively early in the morning so he was probably just thinking of getting some good caffeine instead of the fact that this conversation was going to be weird and hard to process.

After about thirty minutes of walking we made it to the school. "Let's go sit by the training field, no-one's going to be over there right now." I suggested leading the way there.

When we arrived at the field I sat down in the grass watching as the two boys sat across from me, before Yuji started an attempt at explaining everything to me. "So back in September me, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki were sent to investigate a curse that was taking people from this bridge in a small town. When we got there Fushiguro figured out the curse spirit was under the bridge, and had one of Sukana's fingers. We had gone down to fight the curse in hopes of getting the finger but in the middle of the fight, what we assumed were just two more cursed spirits showed up and knocked me and Kugisaki out of the first curse's domain. We then proceeded to fight the two with everything we had. After a lot of struggling we finally beat them. I didn't know who they were at the time, I didn't know they were Curse hybrids, they were just curses trying to hurt us and take Sukana's finger." He explained what happened at least with these two curse hybrids whatever that means. But I have no clue what that has to do with any of this.

I could see Choso looking almost angry as Yuji talked about what happened at the bridge. "Choso are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked hoping there was something I could do to help.

"No, I'm fine. What my brother failed to mention was that those two hybrids were my brothers. I too am a curse hybrid made by Noritoshi Kamo, who experimented on my mother creating me and my brothers. I felt it when Yuji killed my little brothers and was furious. I decided to get revenge during the attack on Shibuya. I was close to killing him when I felt the same thing I had when my brothers had died. At that moment I knew Yuji was my half brother and decided I would fight alongside him to stop Noritoshi Kamo, who became the Cursed spirit Kenjaku." Choso explained what happened during the attack on Shibuya.

I looked at the curse hybrid, still not understanding how that makes them brothers. Okay Choso felt a connection but how does that prove anything. "Okay so, other than this Kenjaku thing being your dad? How does it make Yuji your brother?" I asked, trying to get more information.

Choso rolled his eyes but still proceeded to tell me the rest. "Kenjaku has stayed alive for over a century by possessing different human corpses. It seems that at some point he had possessed the corpse of Yuji's human mother, before having my little brother. Does that make sense?"

I nodded slowly grasping what was being said. So my best friend was the product of a curse possessing a corpse and having a kid, that's honestly not the weirdest thing I've heard being a Jujutsu sorcerer. "That kind of makes sense but the two things I still don't get, one if Kenjaku has been around for over a century, how old are you Choso? And why did Yuji want us to meet?" I said the last bit looking towards the young sorcerer.

"I'm over 150 years old, though for most of that I was a cursed object. Recently the curse Mahito gave me and my two brothers bodies, hoping we would help in Kenjaku's plan." Choso said, answering the question about his age. I suppose that makes sense, so I turned back to Yuji waiting for him to answer the question I had asked him.

He just blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought you guys would get along. I forgot that I would have to explain everything, and just wanted Choso to make some friends." He leaned closer to me covering the side of his face before adding "He doesn't like to talk a lot. This is the most I've heard him talk to anyone other than me."

I chuckled as Choso rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "I can hear you ya know."

"It's fine, I think it's sweet that he's trying to help you out. Anyway is there anything else I'm needed for, as Yuji, you interrupted my beauty sleep for this. While I truly enjoyed meeting you Choso and hearing your story I would like to get some more sleep." I asked as I stood from the grass wiping off my pants.

Yuji looked up at me before responding. "You're good to go, thanks for waking up early for this. Sorry for being dumb." I smiled down at him before turning to Choso.

"I wasn't lying when I said I enjoyed talking with you, maybe next time we can go for a coffee without pinky over here." I said, jabbing a finger in Yuji's direction, laughing at the confused 'huh' that left his mouth at the comment.

I watched as Choso blushed slightly trying to cover it by turning his face away from me. "Yeah, it was nice meeting you too, Y/n. And I would like that."

Leaving with one final wave I couldn't help but hope that my next meeting with the purple eyed sorcerer would happen sooner than later.

I woke up later that day from my nap and checked my phone. The first thing I saw was a text message from an unknown number.

From Unknown number: Hey, it's choso. My little brother forced me to get this thing and then gave me your number. I don't know what i'm doing but apparently it's like writing a letter but you get it right away. Anyway againthis is choso.

I laughed reading the message. Of course Yuji got him a phone and he doesn't understand how to use it. I quickly added his number to my phone before responding.

To Choso: Hi Choso, it was nice of Yuji to get you a phone. I'm guessing he didn't explain it very well. If you want we can meet up later and I can help you figure it out.

After about five minutes I received a response.

From Choso: Please, I have no clue what I'm doing.

I smiled, glad that he accepted my offer and was also excited to talk to him without Yuji. I quickly sent a text asking him to meet me at the training field where we spoke earlier, before getting up to put on something other than the pajamas I had on for my nap.

I got to the field about fifteen minutes later and saw Choso sitting in the middle fiddling with something, probably his new phone. I walked up to him and sat down. "Hey, what all do you need help with?" I asked.

He jumped slightly not expecting me to be there, having been too focused on the electronic in his hands. "Oh, hi. Um, everything. I don't get it, my little brother just gave me this, showed me how to type, and told me to text your number which he put in the phone. He didn't explain anything about it other than that really." He said with a slight blush, it was obvious he was embarrassed by his lack of knowledge when it came to technology.

I reached out my hand motioning for him to hand me the phone. When he finally placed it in my hand I leaned over and started showing him how to use it. I went over how to make phone calls, and add contacts. I also showed him how to work the camera and how to use google.

After about an hour of answering his questions about how to use the phone and make it work, we ended up just talking and getting to know each other. For one I learned that during his time as a cursed object he was self aware and able to master his cursed technique to a level beyond that of his distant relative who also wields Blood Manipulation. And I told him about growing up as the odd one who didn't fit in because I could see cursed spirits while no one else around me could.

It was getting late and I decided it was probably time to call it a night. "Well it's late, I should be getting to bed. I had fun talking with you. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I said with a smile as I stood up from the grass.

He just looked up and nodded at me, before he started to get up as well. "Have a goodnight Y/n" he said before turning and walking away.

"Goodnight Choso, and don't forget if you need help with anything feel free to ask me." I called after him, heading back to my dorm. I couldn't help but smile looking back on the events of the day. I really did enjoy hanging out with Choso, and I hope we can do it again soon. It sounds cheesy but I feel like we really have a connection.

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