Being so close to actually committing the act was like standing in the middle of an desert, facing an oasis after depriving himself of water for a lifetime. He couldn't stop now. He wanted it too badly.

He set the book down beside his book and pulled out the jar, still wrapped in the black cloak.

He walked to the center of the room, not too far from the basilisk's corpse and set it down while slowly removing the cloth.

The beetle within instantly began flitting around the inside of the jar with mad desperation.

He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the jar. A silent incantation and a simple wand movement later and the glass melted away as if it were wax before dissolving into a cloud of wispy smoke. The beetle instantly bolted, but she was obviously confused as to her whereabouts or how to properly leave because she circled the space wildly for a moment.

Harry tracked her with his wand for a second before casting the homorphus charm and hitting her on the first try. The spell sent her suddenly increasing in size and then falling heavily to the ground in a sputtering heap.

She gasped and turned her head from side to side in obvious panic before spinning around in her place on the dirty stone floor to face him.

Her eyes were wide and consumed with desperation for a moment before she tried to take on an air of innocence.

"Harry," she said in a simpering voice as she tried to smile and began to try and pull herself to her feet.

He pointed his wand at her lazily and said "Adstringo,"

Her eyes bugged out as she her arms and legs were suddenly bound to her side by an invisible force. Next he flicked his wand and incanted "ponere" although it didn't seem to have any visible effect.

"Do you know what that was?" he asked with a smirk as he began to slowly stroll around her prone form on the floor. "The Ponere charm is a dark spell that allows me to put you into any position I wish, and you will be unable to move. Adstringo is sort of a mix between a binding spell, and a petrifying spell. Can't move. Can't talk. It's better than some lesser binding spells since it binds the person with magic, instead of conjuring a rope or a chain or something that could be cut through or banished. Of course, to maintain the binding, I have to continue to focus my magic. But... since I've now set the posable curse on you, I don't need you bound anymore so..."

He drawled off as he flicked his wand and released the thread of magic that had been holding her bound and released it.

Suddenly her face switched form frozen surprise, to pure panic and fear. "Harry... Harry please. Think about what you're doing. We're both mature, rational people here. It was never anything personal, I was just doing my –"

"Silentium!" Harry drawled lazily along with a flick of his wand. Her mouth continued to move, but there was no longer any sound coming out. Her panicked expression became rather indignant for an instant before returning to fear and caution.

He began to stroll over to her and her wide eyes tracked his every moment. He came up beside her and used his foot to roll her onto her back.

"You see, Rita... that's where you're wrong. I may be mature, but I don't honestly think I'm being particularly rational. And while I would argue that it was personal, this little encounter that we're having here has almost nothing at all to do with your idiotic little scribblings in the paper."

He crouched down and reached out, cupping the side of her head with his hand and moved her head so that he could look directly into her eyes. "Now before we go any further, I need to ask you a few... questions. And you will be answering them. How about a little... obedience," he said with a smirk and he brought his wand up to her temple. "Pareo!"

Harry potter and the descent into darknessWhere stories live. Discover now