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This is definitely a longer chapter so get ready

I'm walking through the Cameron's backyard trying to find Sarah

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I'm walking through the Cameron's backyard trying to find Sarah. I heard some people in the back so I head that way,

"Hello boys." I see Kelce, Topper, and Rafe. I hear them talking about the other night

"Dude he had a semiautomatic pointed at your head." They all turn around to look at me. They just stand there and stare,

My face drops "Look I didn't know JJ was going to do that okay?" I catch up with them standing next to Kelce

"Maybe you should get better friends princess."

"Maybe your friend shouldn't try and drown someone." I turn my attention to Topper who just looks down at the ground,

"Yo that's Sarah." We all turn to see her talking to a little girl. She starts to crawl on the boat,

"What is she doing?" I see the wires with sticking out, "Watch her fall and make a big drama out of it."

"Rafe that's your sister." he keeps his eyes ahead, "Little fried Sarah."

What the fuck is wrong with him

"Hey there's 14,000 volts in those wires!" Sarah just laughs and Rose starts yelling


"Your sister is crazy man." Kelce comments

Suddenly Sarah screams and falls we all run forward and she starts laughing swinging the wire around

"Oh jesus christ." Rose walks back towards the house

Me and Kelce start laughing and Topper looks like he is going to faint

"Topper you should see your face!" Sarah yells

"Yeah, okay yeah i'm sorry that I care!" Kelce and I are still losing our minds

"Congratulations pussy. Your officially a bitch." Rafe pats Toppers shoulder only making us laugh harder

It's like 30 minutes later and Kelce and I have just been hanging out in the kitchen while Sarah and Topper 'talk'.

"I'm sorry, I know hes our friend but Sarah needs a better boyfriend." i'm sitting on the counter and Kelce is looking though the fridge,

"Don't tell him I said this but I agree, he is such a little bitch." we both laugh, "Sarah needs someone more like her."

Wheezie enters the kitchen, "With the way she was talking to John B this morning, she may have found one."

"Wheezie were you ease dropping?" I look at her smiling

"Wait what are you talking about wheez?" Kelce ask.

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt