"I just know! This one's different, they gotta be! You'll see! I'm sure they'll be coming by tonight to see us again, so I'm gonna stay up alllll night if I have to! I need to thank them properly! Ooh! That reminds me, I should get started on making something for them! Yes yes yes! I'm sure they'll love that-!"

"Sun..." Moon started, but Sun continued to babble on before he jumped back into the water, leaving the nocturnal Mer to finally rest.
    Moon sighed and curled up again, thinking about what Sun had just told him. Despite his trust in the human, from what he said they did sound interesting. Very, very interesting. Knowing how these things usually worked with new handlers, they would probably come by to see him tonight as Sun said, so maybe he could give them a little test and see if they were everything Sun made them out to be. And if they weren't up to the task...

    Let's just say there's a reason those other handlers were never seen again

"Okay! Let's do this!" You yelled at yourself in the mirror, excited to finally get to meet your second Mer. Who knew you would be so lucky as to become a private caretaker to two Mers on your first day?! And such cool ones like Sun and Moon?! You had thought that just like in every place before this one you would have to work your way up in this place, but you weren't going to question it. After all, why look a gift horse in the mouth?
You suddenly let out a loud yawn, surprising you. Right, you didn't sleep at all tonight and it was way too early, 3 a.m. to be exact. You turned to your bedside table with an accusatory stare where the folders for Sun and Moon were. It had been very interesting to read, but the problem was that it was so interesting that you kept reading until now despite knowing you would need to sleep for your introductory shift with Moon tonight. The only good thing that came from this was that you now knew everything you could know about the two and could properly prepare to introduce yourself to Moon and prepare to get closer to Sun the next day.
Sun, the one who you had helped yesterday was slightly larger than Moon, but not by much. He was a Sunlight Celestial Mer, which meant that he was only awake and active whilst the sun was up. He was omnivorous, so he would eat pretty much anything and, according to the documents, you really meant anything. He even tried to eat glitter glue once when a former caretaker accidentally brought it with them! However he was usually pretty friendly and energetic as long as the caretakers left Moon alone, but even then the worst he would do was get in the way while they were working on him. He loved to play games, so when he was up, you had to make sure to bring something for him to play with you so that you two could bond. Maybe a puzzle? Or a ball? Eh, you'd just take them all and let him choose!
Moon was the lump of scales in the back of the enclosure that still needed to get checked, but that wasn't your job tonight. He was the whole reason the two of them were there as he had gotten his tail badly hurt a while back. It was a lot better now, actually, he was almost completely healed but he still swam crookedly and they needed to know why. Sadly he was quite aggressive according to the files and hadn't let anyone near him whilst awake, so he always needed to be tranquilized during these check-ups, but because Sun would get in the way they still hadn't been able to figure out why Moon swam weirdly. Because he was a Moonlight Celestial Mer, he was only active at night, so there was less known about him than Sun as he was very reclusive and didn't like being seen, so it would be a lot harder to work with him. Unlike Sun he's a carnivore, so that meant to find a treat he liked you'd only have to take food from the meat and fish section rather than from all of the different sections in the storage area.
You threaded one of your fingers through your hair as you stared at the blurry picture of Moon that they had used for the file. Due to you having met and made a good impression on Sun earlier, you were asked to meet with Moon that very night to make sure both Mers were on the same page and you were very nervous. But also infinitely excited! You would be able to learn so much about Moon due to how much info his file was missing, it's crazy! Though you didn't know how you were going to win his trust, you were determined to try!
With that thought you quickly changed into your uniform which was a special armored swim gear (which was still a little too big on you due to you being new and not yet having your own) before heading down to the cafeteria. There, you ordered a BLT sandwich which you pretty much inhaled before going down to storage to grab a small tranq gun in case of an emergency, a ball in case you were still there when the sun rose, a medkit for if you were lucky and Moon would let you check his tail, a variety of food for Moon to try and finally a harmonica. You remembered reading that Moonlight Mers were the original sirens, so many of them liked music. You weren't sure if Moon did as well, but you could give it a try! Worst case scenario, you play so awfully that you were killed, but that's highly unlikely.
After you had collected everything you needed you put it all on a small, metal cart before rolling it into an elevator that you thankfully saw during the tour earlier and went up to the first floor before rolling it out the back door and into the Sanctuary. Unlike during the day, the place was pretty quiet as now only the nocturnal Mers were out, and that wasn't much in comparison to the diurnal ones. You tried to keep the noise down as you slowly went through the enclosures, but despite this a few of the Mers that were awake swam next to you in their enclosures, curious. A few of the other caretakers noticed you as well, but they didn't show it and instead continued with what they needed to do with their Mers.
    Before long you made it to Sun and Moon's enclosure and slowly opened the door. You winced at the loud beep and creak as the door unlocked and opened, you didn't want to wake Sun or scare Moon. You carefully pushed the cart through the door and took in your surroundings. Every enclosure was unique to the needs of the Mers, though each one had salt water that was channeled from the ocean and a land area for the Mers to relax on. Though the beachy area was pretty bare with nothing to decorate it, the glass that made up the sides of the enclosure showed a rich world hidden under the water, filled with caverns, coral, kelp, and other sea plants. No fish inhabited the area though as due to Sun being omnivorous and Moon being carnivorous, any fish they would have in there would be eaten. The only things that were safe from Sun were these specific plants as they made him sick.
    You slowly pushed the metal cart through the sand, grunting in annoyance as the wheels kept getting stuck until you decided to give up and just unload everything here. You quickly grabbed all of the different fishes and meats you had grabbed earlier and placed them in a neat row by the shoreline. The idea was to tempt Moon to come out with the harmonica before introducing yourself and letting him choose something from the row of food. Whatever he grabbed first was probably his favorite, so you would write that down in his notes so that you could bring more of that in the future.
    Once everything was neatly laid out you grabbed your harmonica and headed over to the large glass wall on the farthest side from the water as possible, wanting to make sure Moon didn't feel threatened by you. Once there, you plopped down onto the sand and sighed happily before gently tilting the harmonica this way and that, enjoying the way the moonlight glistened off of its silver surface. You were about to start playing when the sand to your right suddenly shifted, causing you to yelp in surprise as a familiar yellow Mer rose from the sand, white eyes blinking tiredly as he looked around for whatever disturbed his slumber before his eyes landed on you. For a second nothing happened, but then his eyes widened and he let out a happy chirp, a large smile on his face before he hugged you tightly. Surprised, but very grateful that he was happy to see you, you hugged the big guy back with a laugh.

Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermaid Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum