Chapter 3

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The clouds parted in the sky this morning. I had Her still in my embrace in the morning as she began to wake. I gently kissed her forehead as her eyes fluttered open. We woke up at about 10:08 in the morning and she had received several messages on her phone. I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her phone, handing it to her so that she could check them. Her tears dried from the night before, but the wound she was inflicted by her lover was deep and nearly unrecoverable at the current time. She checked her messages, her face lit up as she was delighted by a total of 13 messages, 11 of which were from the boy who had wounded her the night before. "Cody..." she said as she read 9 text messages and listened to two voice messages. "He wants me..." Her face was bright with hope and joy as she dialed his phone number. He picked up the phone after three sounds of the ringer. A conversation ensued between the two as I got out of bed and put some clothes on, getting a couple garments for her to wear as well as her clothes were still sopping wet from the prior night. 20 minutes later, she hung up the phone and set it down as she got up to get dressed. A squeal of excitement escaped her mouth. "Cody wants you back and you're going to see him later today, aren't you?" I asked as she got dressed. She nodded with a gigantic grin on her face. "Please... just be careful... I love you and I don't want to see you hurt..." I continued, advising her not to be too hasty. She nodded, hesitantly. I grabbed my car keys and shoved my phone into my back pocket as I grabbed her wrist and led her outside so that we could go eat something for breakfast. We drove to a nearby IHOP, she was so ecstatic that I hardly knew what to do, but I had a feeling breakfast sounded good for both of us. We arrived at IHOP, were seated by a fine looking lass who I assumed to be about 20 as I ordered French toast and She ordered pancakes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. I pretended to be engaged in something on my phone as cody walked by and stopped at our table. Kate jumped up in excitement as her boyfriend gave her a big hug. Kate offered cody to come sit with us, he declined saying "You're here with your mom, I shouldn't intrude." My heart started to race, my breath intensified, and my fingers slowly moved to grab the knife that comes with every napkin and fork. I showed restraint and merely held the knife as if I were to cut the air that was where my plate of French toast would be. I set the knife down and started thinking of something that I could tolerate. All I could think about was Kate. "I'm not her mother," I said, trying my best to calm down. "I'm just a very motherly person." The server arrived and delivered the food to Kate and I as Cody went back to his table. We ate our food in silence, my disapproval of him was known at the table, We finished eating about ten minutes later. "You can go be with him, I'll just go home or go to a movie or something. Have fun," I said dismissing her from breakfast, paying for the food. She got up and walked over to the table where her boyfriend is as I got up and walked out of the building, going home. When I arrived home, I picked up my phone and sent her a text message saying "Be careful, you know how he hurt you last night." All she said in response was "K." I set my phone down beside me and fell asleep on my bed into a 4 hour nap, time that I needed to myself but would give for kate any day of the week.

UsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang