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Las Angeles

Ring ring was the sound of my alarm going off
I groaned and got up remembering I have to Tommy's studio. I got in the shower and set a timer for 30 minutes cause I had to be at Tommy's studio at 9:00 AM and u know girls take a long time to get ready.

........................................🥳 Time skip🥳......................................

after i got out i brushed my teeth then did my hair braids to the back.Then did my clown makeup then put on my red tommy the clown shirt and some jeans. I checked the time and it said 8:30 told u it takes long so I called tristen "Hello" she said. "Can u come pick me up" I said. "Yea here I come". Beep I heard. ''bye momma", I finna go I scream making sure she heard me . " Ok,be safe luv ya" "luv u too"
"Hey best" she said  "hey tristen" I said "hey miyah" trin said( miyah her nickname cause her name zamiyah)" heyyyyyyy"

A/n it's short but 177 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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