"Talking about Haymitch?" I joke, which earns me a snicker from his part, though my gaze stays glued onto the marble table, dreading every minute I would spend during the Tour.

"Jade," my escort reprimands, before going back to her speech, as Haymitch and I share a few knowing glances. "It all needs to be fabulous. Now the schedule is a bit of a bear. 12 days, 12 districts. But it's mostly parties, celebrations, adoring fans to greet you at every spot along the way, and then we wrap it up at the Capitol."

Only about half of the information I register, in a confusing haze mixed with Snow's threats and Cato's name. My crew is failing to inform me about one part of the trip, one crucial part that will determine my fate. No, the fate of those around me.

"All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowds, and enjoy your time in the spotlight. You've earned it." Effie finishes, slumping into a chair herself.

I've earned it? I've earned it, by killing those tributes? What kind of hero was I?

"Earned it is a big phrase. Not sure it's the right one." I retort, which only earns me a glare form her part.

"Yes, you've earned it." she repeats.

"By killing children?" I snap back, though I'm aware it's not completely her fault. She clearly believes that 'Victor' is a title that deserves high praise, and that's simply the way her mind works. I guess that's what the Capitol does to you. Brainwashes you into actually envying Victors, seeking entertainment through the Hunger Games.

"Young lady..." she starts, but at that moment, I decide I don't have the time to pretend I care about her next sentences. I simply stand out, walking out of the living room, aching the feeling of a certain peace.

My feet lead me to the far end of the train, consisting of a large view of the landscape we run past. Sighing, I sit onto the couch, leaning my head against the fabric. Haymitch's arrival in the room doesn't surprise me, and I don't even bother to turn my head in his direction.

"I imagine there's something you want to know. Something we haven't discussed yet." he whispers, and the echo of Cato's name scribbles itself in my mind. Yet, I let my mentor speak, curious to see where this would go. "Cato Hadley, your lover from Two. You'll attend parties together, say the same speeches. Actually, you'll see him in less than half-an-hour."

"What? Where?" I suddenly ask, not knowing our encounter would come so soon.

"In Eleven. Before the speech. We'll leave you together for a few minutes in back stage, and then it's showtime." he explains, and I gulp, nerves kicking in.

How am I going to have to act? More importantly, what effect will he have on me, since he seems to be so good at making me ... feel.

I don't even have time to answer as the train comes to an abrupt stop, and when I stare out at the view, I know we've arrived. Not only has the nature been replaced by a poor landscape, but walls have the number 11 printed on them.

Quickly, all of us jump out of the train, and, as the air hits me, I can't help but feel kind of alone. In the midst of these adults, I seek the feeling of comfort, and am only met with Haymitch's alcohol-soaked breath and Effie's ridiculous apparel. For a second, I remember Peeta, though. Peeta Mellark, the bright boy who had been there for me through it all. Maybe I hadn't realised it, but he was comfort in itself. I shake the feelings away as soon as I feel a weight planting itself in my stomach, knowing that now is not the time to dwell.

The station is frighteningly and completely empty, and my ears are even able to pick up on the sounds of our shoes travelling through the space. Even the number of Peacekeepers are scarce. Yet, a soft gasp echoing from behind me makes my head shoot up. My eyes dart around, seeking what could have caused surprise.

Fierce and Beautiful / Cato Hadleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें