the attic

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A family moved in to a new house with two kids Alice,Andy and there mom Alice was 11 and Andy was 11 and there mom was 37. They got settled in pretty quick .The first week was normal but after that they could hear noises above them Alice and Andy would go to each others rooms because they would get scared but these weren't normal noises they would hear screams, footsteps,booms, and whispers there were  two stories. The living room, kitchen, bathroom and guest room was downstairs and Alice's room, Andy's room, their mom's room, craft room and the bathroom was upstairs. Alice and Andy new there was a attic but they were two scared to go up there they told there mom but she didn't listen because she was to busy unpacking. They didn't know what to do but they finally went up to the attic they didn't see anything but a rocking chair it was moving back and forth but they didn't touch it they Saw something in the corner it looked like a little girl with black hair,black clothes, and red eyes she stared at them the rocking chair stopped moving the little girl crald out of the dark corner and stopped she had cracks on her face she wisperd are you scared you better run at that moment Alice and Andy ran out of the attic and closed the door. They told there mom what happened but she said that it's probably just in their heads but they new it wasn't at night they could not fall asleep they stayed up they decide to lay on the couch together then they finally went to the morning they still couldn't stop thinking about it they tryed but they couldn't the mom noticed they were acting weird so she asked what's wrong they told her again she felt bad so they all went up to the attic at first they didn't see anything but then the mom saw her Alice and Andy were scared the mom lookd scared the kids were behind the mom but the creepy girl disappeared she was behind  but they didn't see her she crawled up and grabed Andy and pulled he in the dark corner the mom tried to get him but she couldint Alice and her mom ran downstairs they called 911 but when the cops went up there they only saw the dead body they shined their flashlights around but didn't see the girl so the mom and the girl moved out and never saw the creepy girl again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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