Chapter 3

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Marinette rose from her seat and smoothly slid a neatly organized folder across the table toward Bruce, her demeanor exuding a mix of determination and confidence.

"Well, Wayne," she began, her voice holding a tinge of authority, "here are the conditions that you might consider agreeable during my stay here." Bruce, caught off guard, blinked in mild confusion, his brows furrowing as he reached for the folder, his fingers slightly trembling.

As he started to read through the contents, Marinette's sharp eyes observed his reactions keenly. "1) Complete privacy in the room. Of course, Isa. Why would you think otherwise?" Bruce muttered aloud, a hint of hurt flickering in his eyes.

Marinette's lips curved slightly, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well, times have changed, and information gathered from the net doesn't necessarily define changes in character, does it? I mean, surely you understand that from your own experiences? Don't act too surprised, but it's quite evident you've taken note of my slightly changed behavior."

Bruce's expression shifted from confusion to guilt. He seemed on the verge of saying something, but he held his tongue, silently acknowledging her point.

"2) No meddlework," Marinette continued, a touch of cheerfulness in her voice.

A chuckle escaped her as she added, "I wouldn't want to do something I'd regret later."

A scoff echoed from across the table, and Damian chimed in with a sardonic tone, "Tt. You can't do anything without the miraculous. They provided you with the right experience and skill, after all."

Marinette's eyes sparkled mischievously, and she shot back, "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night!"

Jason and Tim couldn't help but burst into laughter at the scene unfolding before them.

"3) No forced interactions," ruce continued. Marinette's tone indicated that this particular condition needed no further explanation. "Pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you agree?"

Marinette leaned back slightly, her demeanor relaxed yet assertive. "So, any questions?"

Bruce's response was a hesitant, "Umm... no?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Any changes or demands from your end?"

He shook his head, his gaze fixed on the folder before him. "No."

Marinette persuaded the negotiation. "Do you accept these terms?"

His response was slightly less uncertain this time, his voice a tad more confident. "Uhh... yes?"

"Great! Good night, everyone! Goodnight!" Marinette's cherry declaration marked the end of this negotiation, her energy and determination leaving an almost palpable presence in the room.

A swift and well-aimed kick from Dick to Bruce's leg under the table snapped the latter out of his momentary daze, refocusing his attention.

Turning his attention to Marinette, Bruce turned to ask Mariette. "Isa would you like to join us for patrol? I found some of your old designs and I have your uniform ready."
"no thank you Wayne but the gesture is noted."
With that she smiled and left.
Bruce looks baffled, seemingly at a loss for words it is clear enough that he thought it would work as a method of rebounding.

Damia seized the opportunity to scoff in Marinette's direction, his smug tone carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Thank God that imbecile was stupid enough to decline."

Bruce's gaze shifted to his youngest son, his expression a mixture of exasperation and annoyance. He opened his mouth to deliver a reprimand, but Jason interjected with a low tone, "Watch it, devil spawn. She takes precedence over you in my book any day."

Begin Again (sequel to Isabella Marinette Martha Wayne)Where stories live. Discover now