They all held their breaths as they anticipated who could have been lured away so fast.

Wen Ning, "Huaisang?...Huaisang!!!!" He yelp as he noticed his boyfriend's dissapearance, worst of all, the boy was holding on tightly to his robes, how did he get lured away?

Mingjue's fist curled and tightened so much Huaisang almost felt the pain as well, he patted his brother's shoulder, reminding him that he's safe and with him.

Zixuan, "What's wrong up there?" He called out as he held Yanli even closer, somehow everyone was walking faster and further away from them.

Wen Ning, "Has anyone seen A-Sang...he ..he was right here, he let go of my arm and now I can't find him." He yelled in panic.

This alerted the others.

A moment ago Wen Ning was calling from infront of them, but now he sounded further behind them.

They were already lost!!

So soon! They did not even venture too far, how could they get lured away from their path so fast and so easily. That too they have strong golden cores, it wouldn't take much for them to notice the trick so why?

Everyone was already edging their seats, not only did things gets interesting. They anticipated a good fight.

Yanli, "A-XUAN!!!!" She called out, her fiancé seeming to have already been lured away as well.
But the most horrifying thing happened, not even ten feet away Zixuan groaned and called out as the sound of swords clanking screeched around the area.

Zixuan, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?" He exclaimed preplaxed.

Yanli/Jin Ling, "Is he okay?"

Nyx, "He's fine. It'd take more than that to put him down."

Xue Yang, "Not really. A fist through his heart should do the trick."

He said it as a joke but did not receive the reaction he anticipated, "Too soon?"

Zixuan, "Way too soon."

Yanli felt her heart almost stop, she called out, "A-Xuan what's wrong?"
Before she could get her answer, a fan went passed her face, only a little bit to her left and a gapping wound would have opened on her cheek, she knows this because her fan has atleast 10 knives at the tips.

Yanli, 'How come, I have both my fans with me, then what the fuck was that...Huaisang...Impossible!' 

Huaisang had to defend himself, whether they doubted him or not, "I would never do that." He exclaimed.

Of course he'd never do that, they all knew it, he's too much of a pussy, or so they thought. The one's who knew Huaisang better would not doubt his morals but he'd definitely do something like this to his enemies though.

She had no time to think as the mysterious person appeared infront of her, someone she could never, even in her wildest dreams think would attack her...she saw herself.

Jin Ling, "What the fuck!?"

Yanli, "Language."

Yanli/Zixuan, "What the fuck is happening?!"

Jin Ling, "Language." He earned a kiss from his mother and a noogie from his father."

Earlier on when Zixuan noticed that his fiancé is no longer with him, he was caught of guard but had to recuperate quickly as a sword almost got his shoulder. When he turned around to see who it was that almost teared his limbs away, he came face to face with himself. It was like he was looking at his reflection on a mirror, only the reflection had red glowing eyes and a menacing grin painted on his face.
Fortunately the others also saw the shadow version of both Yanli and Zixuan, otherwise they might not have believed such creatures existed.

"I am seeing them and I still don't believe such creatures exist."

"This place is a cultivator's worst nightmare."

Nyx, "A cultivator's nightmare it is, as such a being knows all your weakness and can use them against you. Worst of all, if you inflict a wound on it, the would transfers to you."

Jingyi, "A-niang I don't want to be a cultivator anymore."

Ying kissed the boy's forehead as he snuggled him, "My poor baby."

Sizhui, "Me too."

Ying, "OH my poor baby." He kissed and snuggled him as well.

Zichen/Ducklings, "Me too."

Wanyin, "Okay that's enough." He said as he pealed his nephews away.

The Ducklings pouted as they could not get a snuggle as well but they knew Hanguang-Jun would kill them if they overwhelmed his husband so they did not even dare to, they just wanted to make him smile and they succeeded.

'This must be like one of those traps we faced in Lanling, they all thought.'

Three helped Yanli and two helped Zixuan to fend off from their otherselves.
The more wounds they inflict on their shadow version, the same appears on the originals, there was no way to win such a fight as they'd only get exhausted and lose.

Hearing it from Nyx and seeing it happen are two different things and on two different wavelengths.

Nyx tormented them, "Imagine if they went for the kill at first blow?"
Such an Image would haunt them for a long time. They did not even wish to Imagine it.

They slowly climbed up the mountain, still fending off as more shadows of themselves came. Now it was an even fight, each one of them had their own evil half to fight off.

Upon reaching the top, a cave appeared in sight, Fortunately near the cave was something that relieved the persistent crushing on Wen Ning's chest.

Wen Ning, "A-SANG!!" He called out as he ran towards the boy. Not even thinking about it as he pulled the shadow Huaisang off of his boyfriend and tossed it away, quickly checking the boy's neck for any swelling. The shadow dissapeared and re-appeared infont of the reunited couple.

Both Mingjue and Wen Ning breathed out a sigh of relief. Huaisang was safe, that's all that mattered to them.

Shadow Huaisang, "Hey shouldn't there be 10 of you, where is the other two?" He asked as he fanned himself, with the same elegance as the real Huaisang. Whoever created these clones surely took their time studying them, they could really pass as their original selves if they did not have red eyes.

"That thing can talk!"

"Fuck talking, it's creepy even when it did not talk at all."

Nyx, "And that is it for today. Finally the Burial Mounds Arc is in action."

Jingyi, "I'm gonna have nightmares from this thank you very much."

Nyx, "You are most welcome."

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