Chapter 61: Chat

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"So it's like building a city. I'm still surprised the US agreed to all these."

"President Armstrong may look and sound like a madman, but he is quite easy to please. A little racist, but that's not a problem for me. It's all just business. Though, if for some reason he pissed me off, I can make my own version of what you guys call 'Liberty Down'. That will teach them." (Commander Suwanto)

"Please don't. The last we need is for them to launch their nuclear warheads all over the place."

"Anyway, have you had anymore run-ins with the Sirens or Red Axis Kansen recently?" (Commander Suwanto)

"We did meet Fusou, Yamashiro and two Destroyers. The case which I talked to you about. Aside from that, that's it."

"Do you have some kind of magnet which attracts the Red Axis girls to you? You have more run-ins with them more than us. And we are the ones that are supposed to deal with them." (Commadner Suwanto)

"I don't know. You tell me. Our hands are already full with the Abyssals and I have my own things to worry about."

"I feel you there. Things were already hard enough as it is back in our original world. Now, we are thrown here and have another list of enemies to deal with." (Commander Suwanto)

The two of us let out a sigh.

"Anyway, take a look at this. Belfast, if you would." (Commander Suwanto)

"As you command." (AL Belfast)

Belfast took out 3 folders from the bag she was carrying and passed it to Suwanto.

"I passed these folders to every base in the IJN. This one is about the red Axis girls that you should look out for, this one is about the ones who are still missing from Azur Lane, and this is a contingency plan should you ever meet an Elite Siren." (Commander Suwanto)

I took the files and look through them. The one I'm more interested in is the contingency plan. It's a little too thin for a contingency plan.

"So we can't just shoot our way through those things?"

"If they are just mass-produced ones, sure. The Executor class are a little tougher and smarter so we need to be more careful. The Elites are the problem. They can hack into you comms channel and battle net to learn about your plans and strategies." (Commadner Suwanto)

"That's... going to be problem..."

"Yep. It is a huge problem. Since you guys don't have the same level of anti-hacking and firewall technology we have, you are going to have to be creative. This are just some which I came up with and used before we figured out and implemented the anti-hacking technology. You have to be creative." (Commander Suwanto)

Arbitrary Symphony. That's a cool sounding name... The way it's executed is... interesting?

"Well. That's all I came here for. If you have anymore encounters with them, let me know. I will also inform you of any new developments with the Abyssals." (Commander Suwanto)

I closed the Contingency plan folder,

"Thank you. You can stay here a little longer. Maybe tour around the base or visit the nearby cities."

"I appreciate the offer. Hmm..." (Commander Suwanto)

"Master, we still have quite some time before night falls. I suggest you take a break. Master has been working non-stop ever since the island started construction." (AL Belfast)

"I concur. Commander, you need to take breaks." (AL Enterprise)

Zuihou gripped my sleeve as she hid behind me. I glanced around to make sure no one is looking before holding her hand. I looked at her and gave a small nod.

Our Bonds (A Kantai Collection -Kancolle- Fanfic) (Remastered)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz