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"Proper posture means a straight spine and your chin slightly lifted. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees very slightly bent. Your shoulders should be back, with your ribcage in the center of them," Gabrielle explained. 

Sasha stood in front of Gabrielle, a stack of books on top of her head and her eyes directed at the wall in front of her. Sasha took a deep breath and followed Gabrielle's orders. She straightened her back, put her shoulders back, and held her chin up.

Once she was sure her posture was straight, Sasha began walking to the other side of the room. Sasha moved as carefully as she could; she didn't want to cause the books on the top of her head to fall. Unfortunately, no matter how careful Sasha was, the books on her head wobbled and nearly fell over. Not wanting the books to fall, Sasha immediately stopped moving.

"Sasha, how many times do I have to tell you? Your back must be straight, your shoulders must be back, and your chin must be up," Gabrielle said, her demanding voice echoing off the walls. 

"Gabrielle, I am doing what you're telling me. It's just that we've been doing this for hours and my body's crying out for a break. Please let me rest, it'll only be for a moment," Sasha pleaded, causing the stack of books on top of my head to wobble once again. 

Gabrielle's hard glare only hardened when she saw the stack of books move. "Sasha if those books fall we will be going until the sun sets. There will be no slack for you are not allowed to be slacking off. You are going to be the next queen. You will rule over the lands as soon as that crown is placed on your head. I'm sorry but I will not let an unfit queen rule over me."

Sasha glared at Gabrielle. "Lady Gabrielle, I know this is your job. Well, at least that's what you think. May I remind you that your job is to get me ready to be queen, not kill me before I get to the throne?!" 

"May I remind you that my job is to train you for your upcoming duties as a queen? If you continue this behavior not only will you die before getting to the throne, but your head will be on top of a scepter," Gabrielle said, her voice cold yet threatening. 

Despite being scared, Sasha scoffed and acted as if Gabrielle's words didn't frighten her. "Whoa, did you just threaten royalty? Hmm, I wonder what the punishment for that is. It could be hanging beheading or burning alive at the stake. Hell, either one will do just fine. Please don't forget who has the power here, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle seemed affected by my words but that was only for a second. She soon began laughing at Sasha as if she was a jester telling jokes in court. "Oh, please princess, you can't strike fear into my heart, only your father has that power. Your mother also has me fearing her, which is something you could never do. Now if you are done making empty threats then I suggest that we get back to work. The ball is in a week, and you will not embarrass me by acting like you have no training."

Sasha bravely rolled my eyes and groaned, which only made Gabrielle angrier. Suddenly Gabrielle lunged at Sasha and grabbed her jaw, squeezing it tightly as the princess's eyes filled with tears of pain.  The tears in Sasha's eyes only brought a smile to Gabrielle's face; the princess's pain never failed to bring her pleasure.

"You are hurting me, let me go please," Sasha weakly pleaded. 

Gabrielle laughed and tightened her grip. "Oh, so now you want to have manners. Look, I would punish you right now like you deserve but I'll let you off with a warning on this one. Due to the king's orders, I need you to be perfect for tonight. Truly no future king will want you with an ugly bruise on your face."

Gabrielle forcefully released her grip on Sasha's jaw, the force causing the princess to stumble back. Of course, Gabrielle laughed as she watched the young girl struggle to keep her balance; her pain only gave her pleasure. She had no sympathy left in her for her; she probably didn't have any sympathy in the first place. 

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