After school Hanako Kun! + (Name)! Game of kings

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Just then, a certain blond haired prince walked in

"So, the 'game of kings'? Sounds rather interesting"

"Minamoto-Senpai!" Yashiro happily said, but Hanako on the other hand...

"Out, out, out!!" It's clear the bathroom ghost was terrified

Kou was quick to defend his brother though

"Don't treat my brother like some monster"

Hanako didn't care, "No way! Get him out of here!"

"Kou, honey, he's a "monster" to supernatural...but I still agree with you...just a little" (Name) blankly stared down at the younger Minamoto

Hanako saw how (Name) probably wouldn't do anything about the strong exorcist and went to Tsuchigomori

"Tsuchigomori, do something!!"

The eldest son was prepared though

"A staff member in the female bathroom? This'll be on the news by tomorrow.

You too, (Name)"

The theater demon looked a little offended but shrugged nonetheless, watching Teru Minamoto took pictures of both them and Tsuchigomori

The "emo" teacher just had a slight look of panic, quickly saying "please don't"

(Name) confusedly muttered "but what about you and your brother? Shouldn't exactly be in here either..." but only got another glare, this time from Teru Minamoto

Now as the girl probably really hoped for, it was Yashiro's turn

Another number had been added as Kou's older brother joined

Yashiro looked at her card with excitement, determined too maybe

"I got it!"

It was almost too difficult to watch...but (Name) still did

"#1 has to kabedon the king and AHHH!!!"

Turns out, the Mokke was #1, the poor girl definitely thought #1 was Teru...

"I love you" "stop with the sexy voice..."

Poor Yashiro...

Next to be king seemed to be Kou, he looked at the card as he said "Guess I'm the king

Hm?" Then he seemed to have realized something

Oh no...

"#4's got to kabedon #1 and profess their love!"

But as it turns out...the boy had said the wrong number...

Yashiro had gotten kabedoned again, with another "I love you" by the Mokke

"I said the wrong ones!" And now Kou was sulking

Finally it was (Name)'s turn

"Ohh! Now what shall I order?"

The demon thought for a second, looking directly at Teru as if they planned on ordering him but (name) just smiled at him before turning towards Tsuchigomori

The demon seemed to know everyone's numbers somehow...demon magic?

(Name) held their face with a hand as they spoke, as if they were was fake, either way it's not like a blush would be noticeable, they stuck their other hand out a little

"I may never get such a chance~! #4, hold my hand for 30 whole seconds and kiss me on the cheek" the demo would've chuckled at Tsuchigomori's reaction, but he just looked away, proudly

That confused (Name)

Especially when-


Turns out, Tsuchigomori and Teru switched cards...

"Can you do that?" (Name) said, looking at their hand that was intertwined with the School President

Teru didn't look quite pleased, having to hold the hand of a supernatural, then having to kiss's just their cheek but still

Yashiro was a little jealous but kept admiring her upperclassman

"You have a thing for my homeroom teacher?" Kou asked (Name) in disbelief, they replied with "Maybe just a little, there's just something about him...haha"

The demon casually stood near Teru as if nothing happened, and as if they didn't just reveal their tiny crush towards his science teacher, as if they hadn't just held hands, as if (Name) basically didn't just make the blond kiss them on the cheek, the blond prince stood there awkwardly and glared at the supernatural who ignored his stare

Now it was Teru's turn...please have mercy...

"I'm the king" Teru beamed, but all the supernatural in the room suffered, suddenly having been zapped, Kou only noticed as Yashiro was admiring her upperclassman

Now the supernaturals were all holding signs

Hanako's said "killing isn't allowed"
Tsuchigomori's said "let's talk this out"
The Mokke's said "be kind"

These three were seen shaking


(Name)'s said "make love, not war"

...the word "make" was spelled in a foreign language, so everyone else could only read "love, not war"

"Come, now I'm just here to play the game..." Teru said, looking and sounding innocent

"Hm, then #1, #4, and #6" Teru called out, which happened to be Hanako, Tsuchigomori, and (Name)

"Until one of us dies, we'll fight it out "




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