Chapter 3

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Rex was unnervingly silent the entire flight to the Rexcelsior. Emmet wondered if maybe he was feeling nervous, with Bad Cop keeping such a close eye on him. He wondered if Rex even could feel nervousness. Even with all they'd been through together, even though Rex had once been him, Emmet realized he didn't actually know his counterpart all that well. How much of Rex's bravado had been real, and how much had been a front to hide his true self? How much of him was still like Emmet, and how much was someone new, someone different? He'd have to find out soon.

Bad Cop seemed impressed with the sheer size of Rex's ship, even if he did snort at it being fist-shaped.

Rex pulled Emmet aside as soon as they were on board, muttering some excuse to Bad Cop as they disappeared. The officer said nothing in response, simply lifting one dark brow over his sunglasses as he watched them go. "I don't like this," Rex said the moment the cops were out of hearing range. "Things are too different this time."

"...You don't think Bad Cop would have come to help anyway if we'd waited just a bit longer?"

Rex shook his head. "No. If I hadn't interrupted, they still would have gotten there right as you were finishing up. That was one of the first ideas I'd tested after getting off of Undar. They never came before. No one did." Emmet wilted.

"Oh." He perked up again. "Maybe it being different this time is a good thing?"

"I wouldn't hold my breath."

"Geez, Rex, I never would have guessed you to be so pessimistic."

"Not pessimistic Em, cautious. Yeah it could be a good thing, but I don't want to place too much hope in that. Could be devastating, later on. Better to expect the worst. Less setback that way."

"Sounds like one of your 'hard-learned life lessons'," Emmet murmured.

"Quit mumbling, kid, I know I told you I can't hear so well anymore."

"And whose fault is that?" He gave Rex a sweet smile when the other huffed at him.

"I'm serious, though. Keep your wits about you. If this much has changed already, then there's no telling what we might be up against."

"So what's the plan?" Bad Cop asked the moment the two 'brothers' reappeared

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"So what's the plan?" Bad Cop asked the moment the two 'brothers' reappeared.

"Still working on that," Emmet admitted. "Obviously we need to figure out a way into the system without immediately being picked out as 'outsiders'. Bad Cop, you're, uh... probably going to have to leave that jacket here." The officer nodded, already unzipping the jacket to shed it. He turned to Rex after. "Would they recognize your colors?"

"Yeah," Rex huffed. "Had a few too many run-ins with that General, she'd spot me comin' from a mile away."

"Has she seen your face, though?"

Rex thought for a moment, and then grinned. "No, she hasn't. I was always wearing my helmet. I might have something that doesn't have my logo all over it, I'll be right back." Emmet nodded. He glanced down at himself, then unzipped his work vest, shrugging it off. He couldn't do much about the worn-off safety tape on his pants, but at least without the vest he stood out a little less. Beside him, Bad Cop had finished removing his belt pouches and knee pads, and even the helmet had come off.

Emmet blinked at him. "Huh. So that's what it looks like."


"Your hair." Emmet smiled at him. "I think this is the first time I've seen you without that helmet."

Bad Cop frowned and ran his fingers through his dark brown locks. "Does it look bad...?"

Emmet tilted his head in consideration. "It looks a little mushed down from the helmet, but not terrible." He lifted a hand. "May I?" Bad Cop gave him a single stiff nod, trying not to tense as Emmet reached up to fluff and comb his hair a little. Emmet finished his task fairly quickly, then took a step back to admire his work. "There, that's better!"

Rex returned a minute later. Emmet gave him a surprised look at his choice of attire- blue jeans, black high top sneakers, and an orange plaid button-up over a t-shirt with some graphic Emmet wasn't familiar with, but at least it wasn't his bright green 'R'. Rex smirked back at him. "They're kind of old, but the outfit works, right?" He glanced Bad Cop over. "Man, I hardly even recognize you."

"I believe that's the point."

Rex frowned at Emmet's pants, and sighed. "I guess this is as good as we're going to get. Ripley and Cobra are on stand-by. We'll start in Suburbia."

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