Suddenly, Fred breaks the silence. "You guys going anywhere specific this morning?"

Clara looks at him from Louis' arms, "Not really. We showed these two every store last week, so we'll probably just go wherever calls to us."

"Whatever calls to you?" Fred tilts his head, "I like that mindset, Edwards."

"Why, thank you," she smiles, turning the topic to him. "What about you, then? Zonko's, I presume."

Fred smirks, but I notice George isn't finishing any of his sentences. Instead his eyes are casted toward our feet, maybe our legs, and he keeps quiet.

"We do love Zonko's but we don't really need his products anymore," he glances at George, who still doesn't say anything. He furrows his eyebrows, turning back to Clara. "I'm sure you've heard of our homemade products we've got this year?"

"Oh, yeah, George has told Lucine all about them," Clara responds, making the two of us look up from the mention of our names.

We glance at each other before looking back down, my cheeks flaming from our simple eye contact.

I shift slightly, trying to not bump into anyone considering the carriage is too small for six people to fit. My legs are slightly pointed towards George's side, and I look up to stare at the scenery past everyone.

Eventually, we get to the village. We each climb out, Henri lending me his hand to help me when it's my turn.

I thank him and smile, releasing his hand once my feet hit the ground. We bid our goodbyes to the twins, one of them excited to be in the village, the other one reluctant to head off into the crowd.

I refocus my attention to Henri when they're out of sight, beginning to ask him where he'd like to go first. He tells me he wishes to see Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop again for their pretty quills, but Louis and Clara wish to go to the Three Broomsticks.

"Why don't you come meet us once you're done?" Clara suggests, pretty much pulling Louis away. "We'll see you- have fun!"

I'm practically begging her with my eyes to not leave me alone with Henri, but she's too lovestruck to notice.

They stumble into the pub a few feet away, leaving us awkwardly standing in the chilly October air. The sun is hidden behind grey clouds today, so I'm glad I sprung for my thicker sweater.

"Shall we go?" Henri suddenly asks, holding his hand out as if to lead me in the direction.

I simply nod, walking forward with him beside me. We make small talk, like how did we sleep and how are we enjoying the dreary weather, but none of it really interests me.

When we get inside the shop, I keep my hands around the front of my stomach as I follow him to the quills. I watch him analyze each one, picking them up and running his fingertips over them, before he finally decides on a Hippogriff feathered quill.

"These are always so sad to think about," I mumble, looking at the grey and black feathers.

"Why?" He furrows his eyebrows, waiting for me to go to the counter with him.

"Well, Hippogriff's don't like it when you pull on their feathers," I inform, "so these are either fake or they came from dead Hippogriffs."

He glances down at the quill in his hand, giving me a weird look. "Oh, uh... that is sad, I suppose," he merely shrugs, turning to go to the counter.

I'm not sure why, but a part of me was expecting him to put it back. I thought that the idea of using a feather from a dead creature would make him uncomfortable to use to, but I guess I was wrong.

I watch him pay for it before we're leaving, the bell above the door ringing as we return to the cold wind.

I cross my arms again, this time to rub my arms in a warming way as we walk. I expect us to go to the Three Broomsticks, but Henri pauses in front of Dervish and Bangs.

"We didn't go in here last time," he mumbles, looking at the gear in the front window.

I grab a strand of my hair to twist, "That's just because it's brooms and Hogwarts apparel." I stare at the Ravenclaw sweatpants I like, "Both things I figured you wouldn't need."

He shrugs, smiling. "Maybe not, but I'd still like to look around if that's okay."

I nod, matching his lips as he opens the door for me. The store smells like wood, leather, and new clothes, and I immediately go to the apparel section.

I run my fingers over the sweatpants that are hanging, going to the back of the rack for the extra large's. Once I find one, I grab the price tag and my eyes go wide.


For a pair of sweatpants!

I let go of the fabric, looking over at Henri who is staring wide eyed at the newest broomstick.

I didn't really take him as a Quidditch guy... but I guess any bloke is impressed by the broomsticks here at Dervish and Bangs.

He looks up at me, smiling cheekily when he realizes I'd been staring. "It's very cool," he explains, pointing at it as he walks over to me. He looks at the sweatpants, "So are these."

I nod, "Sure. But they're very expensive."

"How expensive?" He grabs a tag, "Oh... well, why don't you pick whatever you'd like and I can pay?"

I'm taken aback, "What? No, uh, I-"

"Please?" He tilts his head, "You've been so nice to me the past few months, showing me all around, let me repay you. Seriously, pick whatever you'd like- sweatpants..."

He looks around, listing off a few other things. Hats, gloves, a new scarf, he even suggests I look at the variety of sweaters.

Reluctantly, I take the sweatpants from the rack, watching Henri go to the hats and grab me a blue and bronzed striped one.

He giggles to himself as he pops it on my head, making my eyes disappear. "Come on," he grabs my hand, no doubt pulling me to the counter. He takes the sweatpants from me, "Just these and the hat, please."

"Ah, you're French," the man smiles, "here for the tournament?"

"Yes sir," Henri respectfully responds, pulling money from his pocket as the man tells him the price.

I feel bad that he's spending so much, but he does it with a smile on his face to show me that he's happy to get them for me.

After we leave, he tells me how adorable the hat looks on me, making me blush and stare at the ground as we get to the Three Broomsticks.

Immediately, we see Clara and Louis chatting over four empty glasses. We take our seats beside them, Clara turning to me with a goofy smile as she inspects my hat.

"I like it," she states, messing with the ball at the top.

I swat her hand away, turning to the waitress who approaches us. We all order Butterbeers, each of us feeling happy.

King of My Heart | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now