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11:47 am.
I am supposed to be at lunch with my friend at 12. That is definitely not happening. I rushed out of bed, nearly tripping over the clothes on my floor, and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and did some light makeup before brushing my hair. I take a puff of my inhaler because goddamn I cannot breathe after trying to get ready so fast. All of that and then i get a text.
'sorry cant make lunch today, something came up! xo- bella'
what the fuck.
I decide to just go out myself since i am already ready. I grab my keys and greet the cool autumn breeze that is combing through my hair. As I am getting in my car, a blur of fire hair speeds past me, and her motorcycle sideswipes my car.
what a shit morning. 
"hey stop!" I called out to the woman, who seems to care very little about the whole situation.
I continued to call after her as i jogged down the block. She came to a stop and was getting ready to switch into a car that was conveniently parked for a quick getaway.
"hey!" I call out once more, and she turns to face me.
"can i help you?" she asked, seemingly annoyed.
"yeah, actually you hit my car back there"
"ok? listen i'm busy, i cant be standing around here having a conversation" she replies, stepping into her car.
"ok perfect," i walk around the car and enter the passengers seat, "then we can talk it out while you drive." I say with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"What are you doing?" She asks surprised.
"Going for a ride" I state plainly. "Whenever you're ready" I add on.
She looks at me with complete bewilderment, but starts the car nevertheless.
I smirk to myself in triumph before looking over at her. She was beautiful, no denying that. Her hair complimented her skin perfectly and was pulled back into a ponytail. It was decorated with a few small braids, which pulled together the whole 'super spy' look she had going on. She wore black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. suddenly it clicked.
"what's with the staring?" she questioned me before I had the chance to say something.
"I think i've figured it out." I say with a smile.
"figured what out?" she asks, glancing over at me.
"you're black widow!" I announce excitedly, like a kid who just solved a scavenger hunt.
She gulped hard and I knew that perhaps that wasn't something she wanted me to know.
"I'm in hiding" she replies with a strained voice.
"Well if you are in hiding than maybe you shouldn't be walking around with your face out, i don't know just a suggestion." I fire back with a know-it-all tone.
"well sorry i didn't have my ski mask on me, not like that might draw some attention." she replied back sarcastically.
"All I'm saying is you just have to be prepared at all times. I mean look at me for example, I was prepared to run after you after you hit my car, which by the way I still am gonna want fixed."
I ramble on to her.
"Do you ever stop talking?" She shoots at me.
"I mean not unless there is music playing." I reply. She reaches over and turns the music. 'I Know Places' by Taylor Swift comes on and I smile and tap a couple fingers to the beat.
After a couple minutes, I realize I have absolutely no idea where I am going and I am in the car with an avenger.
Seriously, what a weird morning.
"Where are we even going?" I ask, getting slightly worried about how I'll make it back.
"A hiding spot of mine so I can stay on the down low." She states like it was no big deal.
"Ok but you see I'm here with you. What about me? I mean how far away even is this place? How will I even get back? When will I get back? Should I call in sick to work this week?" I list of worries I had in my mind out loud.
"Ok relax, I can drop you here if you want" She replies, pointing to a nearby bench.
I think for a moment, and sure it would be logical to leave, but all I want to to take this adventure with the black widow.
"No, thats fine. I'll come." I say simply.
"You're coming?" She questions.
"Yeah I mean if you want the company. Must get lonely in hiding." I sympathize.
She shrugs her shoulders, I guess unsure of what to say.
"Ok then you'll come." she repeats, with more confidence. "But if you tell anyone you are with the black widow, I will kill you." She adds.
"Damn right to the point you are." i reply laughing a little. She gives me a stern stare, so I say,  "I won't say anything, relax."
"Well if you are coming then I better introduce myself. I am Natasha Romanoff." She says, taking one hand off the steering wheel to shake mine.
"I'm Y/N L/N" I say with a smile.
This was going to be one interesting chapter of my life.

hey guys this is my first story and i lowk have no idea what im doing but enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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