Chapter 4

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An Hour later at the Arena 

I parked my car and got out. thanks to last night I pretty much know this arena like the back of my hand. considering the fact that I had paced back and forth constantly before my entrance last night. It still seems surreal that I am here not just as a fan but as an actual wrestler. I walked by a few Superstars that were still here and they all cracked Smiles at me surprised to see me here as well this coming Monday raw was here and then Smackdown was here that Friday so everyone was here getting ready for the upcoming shows I prayed to God that I would never see my mom or dad while being there I did not want to hear it from them not today not what I'm living my dream. I walked straight back to the wardrobe And went and talked with the team immediately. I had made a few sketches this morning as I was waiting to leave I had many ideas but the best idea I had I gave to the head of wardrobe she looked at me with a smile and nodded her head she wasn't much of a talker so I just nodded my head back and walk towards Triple H's office she was somewhat talkative with the rest of the superstars but I was brand new so therefore I just let it slide. I sat outside Triple H's office watching everyone that had meetings before me come out smile at me and walk away. About an hour later Roman appeared and sat next to me. with the wise man standing beside him.

" Are you ready for this?" He looked at me and I was kind of startled by him. " sorry Iris I didn't mean to startle you."

" don't worry about it Roman, you're completely fine and no I'm not ready for this but I'm going to persevere and make myself ready for this." I smiled

" I genuinely love the way you act you genuinely make it seem like you belong here I can't believe Seth and Becky never let you even come near this Arena let alone practice for it or even sign up to join the WWE most people have to go through NXT before they come here but not you you were Smackdown material right away."

"Well I thank you very much for saying that and no I can't believe my mom and dad would never let me do that as well." Just then Triple H came out of his office and motioned us in I took a seat directly in front of him and Roman took the seat directly beside me with Paul Heyman standing behind him grinning the entire time with Romans titles on his shoulders.

" So the entire WWE Universe is lighting up with the whole fact that you came into the arena last night and fought Dakota Kai. even Dakota was very shocked with the way that you fought and how fast you fought and how fast you knocked her down. and Dakota doesn't get shocked very easily. With you joining the WWE I believe that damage control will be a very high Ally of yours no matter what group you join. but let's get to the logistics of this meeting first off. The merch team has set over some shirts for you to look over they're your merch shirts until you join the bloodline, that is if you still want to join the bloodline." He pulled a box out from under his desk and I opened it with joy in my face. The first thing that came to my head when I saw the shirt was holy crap. The shirt was black but the center of it was white it had my face as I came out of the tunnel with it saying the Calm before the storm. It was perfect and the back of the shirt said Iris Rollins Triple H and Roman could see my face lighting up real quick. " I take it that you like the shirt."

" Like the shirt, no Triple H. I don't like the shirt. I love the shirt and I am going to want several of these." I laughed looking at him and the rest of the room left as well.

" well now that that decision is out of the way how about we talk about what we're going to do with you on SmackDown this Friday Roman has come up with the idea that you're going to challenge someone the person you challenge can be completely up to you and we can inform that person of what's going on this segment of where you challenge someone is supposed to catch the Eye Of The Bloodline even more you're in a challenge on this week for a fight the following week and this whole week once you pick out who you want to challenge I'm going to have the Usos help you train because you're supposed to be catching the Eye Of The Bloodline so who better than to help you than the bloodline themselves." He said and roman chimed in

" I've already talked with Jimmy and Jey. They are completely on board with it and they love the idea. Jey has also informed me that he's going to teach you the Superman kick that way you really catch the eye of us. and that way you can also try some of your own against someone who's been in the industry for 10 plus years." I just smiled listen to them and nodded my head to when Romans said that

" So you're telling me that I can pick anyone in the WWE Universe as far as women are concerned and on SmackDown would I be crazy enough to say that I want to challenge Lacey Evans." they all looked at me like I was crazy but Triple H did say anyone in SmackDown.

" Now that would make a statement." Paul chimed in saying and Roman looked towards him then back at me and smiled

" Once again the wise man is correct , that would definitely make a statement." We all looked towards Triple H as he had the biggest grin on his face.

" well Iris consider it done in 2 weeks you will face Lacey Evans and this Friday you will make the challenge and definitely catch the Eye Of The Bloodline cuz no one is crazy enough to challenge Lacey Evans when they first enter WWE she is a veteran not only of War but of the WWE even though I'm going to speak with her here in a little bit about this do not forget that she will not hesitate to bring a fight ."

"And you think I wouldn't Hesitate to bring one as well you guys have yet to figure out what I am capable of all of you." I chuckled  

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