Sick (second edition)

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Hi so I just figured out that I had an idea for the original part of Sick but I had doubts but I want to show you so that you can decide which is better 🥰 this is also a continuation of the story so I would recommend reading

Ruby's POV:

I nod and close my eyes after I hear her close the door. (Right after this part)

After a few minutes I hear loud tapping on my window. I groan and slowly get out of bed, only to find Chelsea tapping on my window. She smirks and I roll my eyes in response, but unable to hide my smile.

"Oh my god, I love your room!"

"Thanks... "

She leans in and gives me a soft peck on the cheek. "Love you Rubyboo~"

"Chelsea, I'm not In the mood for this," I sighed. "I mean, what if someone comes to my room and catches you here?"

"Don't worry Rubyboo~ I'm sneaky~"

"Uuuugh, no... " I stumble back to bed and hide under my blanket. "This is not a good idea!"

Without warning, she quickly got under the blanket with me."

"Wow, it's really hot in here~"


"Stop overreacting~"

I groaned in frustration as I felt something tug on my hair. "What do you want now? "

She continued stroking my hair and I was glad that she couldn't see me blushing.

"Are you being shy~"

"N-no... " I replied, feeling my face heat up even more. I felt her wrap her arms around me. I sighed, my eyes starting to close.

"Shhh~ don't fall back to sleep~"

I closed my eyes and remembered nothing more.

When I woke up I felt someone stroking my hair, but I felt disappointed that it wasn't Chelsea this time.

"How are you feeling?" Asked the familiar voice of my mother.

"I'm good." I smiled at her to express my gratitude. She smiles back.

"I'll go make breakfast, ok?"

I nod and she leaves my room, closing the door behind her. A sudden feeling of panic overcame my thoughts. I hadn't texted Connor or any of my friends, but a voice in the back of my head told me to forget about Connor for now.

I feel a rush of excitement at the thought of Chelsea waiting for me at school, and I suddenly get a rush of excitement. I quickly brush my teeth and get changed before shoving my breakfast down my throat and rushing out the door, ignoring the stares of everyone else.

For now my relationship with Chelsea outweighs everything else in the world. I burst through the school gates and quickly rush to the bathroom. I frowned, not seeing Chelsea anywhere.

"Sorry I'm late. I was busy playing hide and seek~" Purred a familiar voice, making me jump.

"Aaah! S-stop scaring me like that!" I exclaimed. I felt her gently kiss my forehead and rub her fingers through my hair. "How is my adorable little kraken doing~"

She kissed me again before I could answer. "I missed you sooo much~"

"I missed you too." I replied sincerely. I awkwardly gave her a hug, annoyed at the fact that she was nearly two heads taller than me.

"Chelsea, have you seen Connor anywhere?"

"No... Why do you ask?" She replied, and I swore I heard a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"It's just that... I feel like I'm leading him on if I don't tell him I'm with someone else."

Chelsea frowns. "Okay. Whatever makes you happy Rubyboo~" Her happy tone returning to her voice.

I look away. "Hey... Chelsea?"

"What's up?"

"I... I like it when you call me that."

"Awww~" she hugged me tightly.

"Ah - no - too tight - can't breathe -"

She let go and looked into my eyes. "I'm so glad I found you."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. "

The bell rings for the end of the day, meaning that yet again I've missed all my classes. Luckily it's only two more days until this term is finished for good so the teachers couldn't possibly care about where I am now.

I say goodbye to Chelsea and walk home. I wonder what she does when she's not with me. Probably spends all her time in the Mermaid Kingdom. I think of my last encounter with the mermaids and shudder.

I opened the door and found a note on the counter. It says that mom went to buy groceries, Sam is at a dodgeball club and dad is on a business trip (probably selling the bottled up ships in the Oceanside gift shop).

I sighed and went up to my room, carefully closing the door behind me. Nessie jumped off my bed and nuzzled against my leg. I reached down to pet her when I heard a tapping sound on my window.

I looked up only to find Chelsea outside. I walked over and opened it, sticking my head out. '
"You know anyone can see you out there!"

"Nice to see you too Rubyboo~"

I rolled my eyes and let her in.

"So, how has your day been?" She asked casually.

I stared at her for a moment. "You- this is called breaking and entering!"

"Since when are you so worried about the rules? "

I sighed and sat on my bed, holding my head in my hands. I just can't stop thinking about what will happen if my parents find out.


I looked up and jumped a little as her face was inches from mine. I looked at her in surprise as she had almost never called me by my actual name.

"I know you want to kiss me~" she purred.

I sighed in frustration and leaned in, smashing my lips against hers. I felt her tense up for a moment and I aggressively tugged on her hair and she let out a gasp of pain.

I pinned her to the floor and she looked up at me. "Not so confident now, are you?"

She suddenly pushed me over, towering over me. "Don't get cocky Rubyboo~"

I felt my face heat up and suddenly I heard a key turn in the door and quickly got to my feet. Chelsea stood up, pouting. "Rubyboo... What was tha-" I covered her mouth and dragged her over to the window.

"Shhh! My family's back and I don't want us to games caught!" I hissed.

"Awww." She sighed, pouting once more. I helped her out of the window and just as she was leaving she turned her head.

"Maybe the next time I see you we can continue~"

I blushed and quickly closed the window hearing footsteps. She waved and I saw her jump into the water and disappear.

I quickly grabbed my notebook and pretended I was writing something down before I heard a knock on my door and it opened.

My mom sat down next to me. "How was school?"

"It was- um... Good I guess... " I replied, feeling slightly nervous that she would see right through me.

"The summer holidays will be officially starting tomorrow and your brother wants to go to the beach. Would that be okay with you?"

"Um... Sure... "

"Okay then. I'll be making dinner soon. " she got up from my bed and left the room.

As soon as the door closed I hit myself over the head. I should have said something. I looked at myself in the mirror, not liking what I saw. I felt slightly jealous of Chelsea for having the perfect body and turned away from the mirror, trying not to think about how horrible I would look in my swimsuit.

THE END ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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