Chapter 9

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"Rooted Radiance: Cultivating Self-Esteem's Growth"

In the garden of self, I plant a seed,
Nurturing self-esteem, fulfilling its need,
With tender care and gentle embrace,
I witness it grow, at its own pace.

Like a plant reaching for sunlight's touch,
Self-esteem blooms, it means so much,
From the soil of doubt, it emerges strong,
Rooted in self-worth, where it belongs.

With each day, it stretches towards the sky,
Branches of confidence, reaching high,
Leaves of self-love, unfurling wide,
A testament to my inner beauty inside.

Through storms of judgment, it remains steadfast,
Resilient against the tempest, unsurpassed,
For self-esteem grows, a garden so lush,
Nourished by self-acceptance, a radiant brush.

So let us tend to our self-esteem with care,
Like a growing plant, let it thrive and bear,
For when we embrace our worth, deep within,
We bloom with confidence, where love begins.

Bloom Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ