Chapter 1: Pretty Boy

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I rushed through the mob of merchants, travelers, and salesmen. Weaving past their carts full of trinkets and smelling the sweetly fried aromas of treats, I searched the crowd. The mass of bodies covered in a variety of coats, hats, and scarves blocked my view. I paused and heaved out several breaths, coating the wintry wind with cloudy puffs of air. Starting up again, I pushed through a thick huddle of people. Across a small stretch of snowy gravel, was the base of the train platform. I stomped, heavily, through the eight inch mounds of snow and stepped up onto the slick wooden platform. I glanced up at the chalkboard of train departures, and my shoulders sagged as my heart skipped a beat. Nonetheless, I slid up to the ticket booth and knocked on the frosty glass. A dirty man with large, dark eyebags looked up from his book and ripped open the window.

"Yes?" he croaked.

"Do you still have tickets to the Green Kingdom, Sir?" I questioned. He rolled his eyes before pushing his glasses over his eyes. He stared at an old marking journal for ages, occasionally turning a page, then glancing up at me and grinning.

"One ticket, leaves in 'about two minutes," he finally replied, then leaned back into his chair and sighed.

"Ok, I'll-"

"-But it'll cost ya, I say," he smiled mischievously, "Ten bucks apiece, final." I gave him a death glare and overly sweet smile. However, I still dug my hand into the deep pocket of my coat. After sifting through dirty handkerchiefs, notes, and trinkets, I pull out several wrinkled bills and a few coins. I slammed them on the counter and between gritted teeth said,

"Alright, I'd like my ticket."

"Magic word," he snickered.


"You got it, the train leaves in fifty three seconds!" He handed over the ticket and shut the window with a bang.

"Good afternoon to you too," I muttered to myself and stormed off to the docking platform. The shrill horn of the train pierced through the station bustle, forcing my feet to a dangerous speed on the icy wood. I glance around the crowded, musty train platform. The dusty wood floor is coated with stains and grime, disheveled benches are filled with chattering townsfolk. People bustle around, glancing from the scheduled chalkboard, at their watches, and back again.

I pull my pocket watch out of my pocket and try to check the time, but some old woman shoves by me.

"Watch it lad! People are tryin' to walk here," she grumbles as she shuffles along. I move aside, embarrassed, and check my watch again. The time, 3:30, matches the time on my ticket so I head over to the docking platform where my train should be. Not many other people are there, only three others. An older looking man with a tired look in his eyes, a bright and positive looking woman, and a girl around my age who looks calculating and reserved.

Soon though, other commoners crowd around us, shoving and pushing towards the front.

"Excuse me!" I yelp when somebody nearly elbows me onto the tracks. The girl looks up at me and frowns. Despite the fact she's a bit shorter than me, her glare is quite menacing.

"Who might you be, pretty boy?" She hisses through her teeth.

"Uh-uhm. Pretty? What? S-sorry, anyway. Uhm, I'm Robin," I sputter "Robin Lowe."

A look of shock and dread blooms across her face and she bows slightly.

"Prince Robin! I'm so sorry please forgive my rashness-" She starts to say but I stop her.

"It's alright! I'd just appreciate it if I wasn't shoved into train tracks before the championship," I say with a laugh. She blushes and looks away.

"I promise you, I don't try to shove royalty onto train tracks on a daily basis," she says, grinning.

"Well that's good to hear."

She opens her mouth to reply, but then the train squeaks loudly as it rattles up to the dock, rolling slower and slower till it stops with a jolt of finality. 

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