Chapter 1

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AN: this takes place in modern times. Not the Middle Ages.

Will sat at the table of his and halts cabin. The smell of the coffee brewing in the background made him smile. He began to gather the materials for his breakfast when he heard a forceful knock at the door.

"Hello?" Will asked
"Let me in, goddamn it will" said a forceful voice outside the door.
"Horace? Is that you?"
"Yes will. Let me inside you ass!"

Will politely opened the door and invited his friend inside. He we shivering and soaked. Will walked over and put an arm around his friend. "What happened?" Will asked, concerned. Horace didn't respond and walked over to wills room. "Guess I'm making breakfast for two."

A few moments later he returned, toweling his hair. He had changed into some clothes that he let will borrow a while back. Will pretended not to be disappointed his friend was taking them back. "I made breakfast." He said as he placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of his friend, who after spending so much time with will, enjoyed it very much. Horace smiled and gave a thanks as he waited for the food. Will soon arrived and set down the cereal as his phone began to buzz. Will simply declined the call and sat down. "So what happened?" Will asked. Horace didn't answer right away. he was to captivated at wills phone. the call he declined was from his girlfriend Alyss. "Why did you decline Alyss's call? Isn't she super important to you?" Horace questioned. will took a long sip of coffee before answering. "not as important as you."

Adventuring - a Horace x will fanficWhere stories live. Discover now