"You look amazing" he says as you walk out of the common room

You give him a look out of the side of your eye but you don't acknowledge his compliment

You make it to the Forbidden Forest and you can already hear the music

"Come on, we need drinks" Pansy says pulling you by the arm

"Don't get drunk this time" Draco says making eye contact with you

"No promises" you say as Pansy tugs on you

You and Pansy down three shots before grabbing cups and filling them with punch. You fill a drink to bring to Draco and one for Theo as well. You carry the drinks in a triangle shape, trying not to spill

"Here you go" you say placing the cup at the tip of the triangle in Theo's hand

"Thanks y/n" he says taking a big gulp of it and making a sour face "It stings so good" he says before heading off to find an unsuspecting girl to traumatize with his awful jokes

"Aaaaand, this one's for you" you say hand Draco's cup to him

"Thank you" he says taking the cup from you

Your hands brush as he takes the cup and you smile to yourself. You've held hands with Draco hundreds of times but right now it's the little things that make your heart flutter

"I like your hair, it's very glittery" he says chuckling between sips

"Pansy insisted" you say turning around to look at her dancing with Blaise

"Mmm" he says with liquid in his mouth "You do know your ass is hanging out of that dress, right?"

You look him up and down before talking

"That means you were looking, Dray" you with a smirk

He clears his throat before speaking

"Kind of hard not to when you're walking directly in front of me y/n" he says taking another drink and looking away from you

"Likely excuse" you say crossing your arms at him "I mean, if you wanted me to do a spin you could've just asked"

This caught his attention and he looks down at you. You laugh at him and he rolls his eyes

"Come on, let's dance" you say grabbing his hand and placing it over your shoulder as your drag him towards the dance area

He looks down at your ass as you walk and smirks

"You know I don't dance"

"I know you do when I ask" you say sassily

Draco groans but complies with your wishes. You begin to dance with Draco but soon feel eyes on you. You turn around to find Astoria staring daggers at you and Draco. You roll your eyes and continue to dance. You grab Draco's hands and shimmy your way closer to him (y'all know the move I'm talking about) when all of a sudden you get an idea. Once Draco is close enough to you you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body close to his

He looks down at you and and give you a little 'hm' with a smirk like smile on his face

"What are you doing?" he asks amused "Not that I'm complaining about it" he adds with a devilish smile, making eye contact with you

"Helping you out" you say moving your body in a snake like motion down his body while moving your hands from around his neck to his chest

"Uhm" he says clearing his throat "How is this helping me out?" he places his hands on your lower back "Again, not complaining"


"Huh" he says as he moves his hands to your hips and turns you around so that your ass is facing him

"Look straight in front of you" you say as you place your hands on top of his

"Oh" he says blankly as he catches Astoria's gaze, she looks furious

You see this too and begin to grind all the way down Draco's body and back  up. You hear Draco sign and you laugh to yourself but he hears it

"I don't know why you're laughing, I could easily do the same thing to you if I wanted to" he says referring to the teasing

"Don't you want to?" you say turning around and innocently looking up at him

You can feel Draco slowly move his hands lower and lower until they are on the part of your ass that is hanging out of your dress. Draco pulls you closer to his body and your breath catches. Draco smirks at you reaction but his smirk soon turns into a look of concern. You know what he means by this look, he's asking you if what he's doing is okay with you and you reply to him with a very subtle nod. Draco opens his mouth to reply to your question when suddenly you're interrupted

"What the actual fuck Draco!" Astoria shouts as she shoves you away from Draco

You trip on a tree root and fall to the ground but you quickly recover and get back up. You're extremely embarrassed and Draco gives you a concerned look which doesn't help

"Y/n are you okay" he says taking a step towards you

"Yep yeah, uh huh I'm completely fine" you stutter out giving him a dismissive wave with your hand "I'm going to go get a drink" you say walking away quickly

"What is your problem Astoria" Draco says with clenched fists

"What's my problem? My problem is that fucking whore Draco, do you not see that she's trying to get in your pants!" Astoria says gesturing in your general direction

"Don't you ever call her that again" Draco seethes "Whatever happens between me and her is none of your business"

"What does that bitch have that I don't Draco, I am 10 times better than her I mean look at her. She either dresses like a slut or doesn't try at all, she has no manners and she acts like a child for Merlin's sake!" Astorias voice grows louder and louder with each insult

"She has everything you don't Astoria, she's brilliant and poised, she's respectful and kind. I've known her since I was a toddler, I could never in a million years think you're better than her" he says looking over at you with each compliment

"Then choose, you choose her and you never get me again" Astoria says crossing her arms

"Do you honestly think that's even a decision? I choose her, I will always choose her as long as I'm alive and breathing"

"Fuck you" Astoria says as she storms off

Draco just shakes his head and rolls his eyes in disgust. He's still boiling at the names she called you. He never wants to hear anyone walk about you that way, he'll kill whoever does. In his eyes you deserve the whole world and more. Draco is lost in thought as you approach him

"So uh, that didn't seem like it went well" you say snapping him out of his thoughts

"She was saying horrid things about you, she needed to be put in her  place" he says with his jaw clenched

You grab Draco's hand and you can see him visibly soften

"Awwww, my protector" you say teasingly

He rolls his eyes but he can't his his smile

"Come on let's go find our friends" he says giving your hand a squeeze

You're disappointed your moment with him ended. Should you mention it? You're going to mention it

"So uhm,  what happened with the dancing-" you start but he cuts you off

"We're both somewhat drunk, I won't hold it against you" he says keeping his eyes forward but not letting go of your hand as you two walk

"Oh" you say disappointed

"What, did you want to talk about it?" he says sparing you a glance  

"Uhm no it's fine, it's not a big deal" you say with your head down

Draco gives you a sad look but doesn't prod. You meet up with your friends and act as if nothing happened but there's an indescribable tension between you and Draco, it should resolve itself

Third Times A Charm (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now