Well hell.

"If you did something that clicked in his head and gave him back his speed, I get why he wants you there. Hockey players are a superstitious bunch."

"We are even though we deny it," Hutch agrees. "How is AJ doing in Florida?"

"His team went to hell and they're scrambling to rebuild. Shaw was on his team, but he had a clause in his contract that let him request a trade and he got out before it imploded."

I have no idea who they're talking about.

"The Raptors are going to be in the stands tonight to watch our first game of the season. They're looking at a couple of us."

"That'd be awesome to land a contract with them. You live here don't you?"

"Born and raised." He flashed her a smile and it made me a little uncomfortable. Queasy almost. Probably all the drainage that ended up in my stomach. Nothing to do with the fact he smiled at a very pretty girl. Besides, she has a boyfriend. "Well, I'll leave you two alone. If you decide you want to brave the cold, I'll go get you some medicine from the store."

"I don't know...I don't know anything about hockey."

"Would you go sit with her, Christa?" Hutch asks. "That way you can explain what's going on. We can pump you full of meds and hot chocolate."

I was close on her name at least.

"What if I don't like hot chocolate?"

He frowns. "They serve hot apple cider and coffee along with sodas and beer."

"I do like hot chocolate, but I don't know if I'll feel up to going." A wave of coughing racks me and he looks alarmed. 

"You need medicine whether you come to the game or not. I'll be back."

He takes off back downstairs and Christa stares after him. "That boy has it bad."

"What are you talking about?"

"I noticed it at the pizza party when you moved in. He got you food before he fed himself. He's never done that before. And I'm pretty sure he just ran out of the house to go find you medicine to make you feel better and not because he wants you at the game. AJ was like that with me."

"He's just being nice."

"When a man feeds you before he sees to his own plate, its more than being nice. He likes you."

"I'm not looking for a relationship."

"I said the same thing two years ago when I met AJ. He sort of snuck up on me and before I realized it, I was all in."

"The only thing I want to be all in on is graduating."

"All I was interested in was the library and studying and then this six foot five hockey player ran me over at the quad. I ran from him and he chased me. Best thing to ever happen to me. If he hadn't knocked me over, I'd probably still be holed up in the library ignoring everyone."

"Sounds like a romance book."

She laughs. "Sometimes I think it is and then I remember it's real when he's the last person I talk to at night."

I sneeze loudly and she takes a step back. "No getting me sick. If I fall behind on homework, I can't fly down to Florida for AJ's first starting game."

I arch a brow. The way she's been talking about her boyfriend, I have a feeling she'd let every assignment catch on fire and not care two shits if she's behind to be there for him.

"Alright, fine. So I'd go and then kill myself making it up when I got home. Who wants to be exhausted though?"

"Somehow I think you'd manage."

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